Fun General Hospital Stories!
"Warm Spring Nights"
Part 1 ~ Ride
by Kimberly
Dressed in black jeans and a black
polo shirt, Jason walked slowly down the stairs. It was good to get
away, he thought. Although he talked to Liz every day on the phone, he
thought it would be great to see her and hold her in his arms. When he
called her to tell her that he was picking her up, she sounded happy and
playful. Elizabeth's outing with English and the boys must have gone
well, Jason concluded. His background check on English proved to be a
success as Mr. Cruz vouched for her talents and loyalty.
It was an unusually warm spring
night and as Jason grabbed his keys off of the desk, he thought he would
surprise Liz by arriving on his motorcycle. He knew how much she liked
to ride when they were younger. He wondered if she would still be
excited at the thought of riding through the countryside. He smiled to
He was happy. Truly happy in a way that surprised him. He never thought he could have a family but
by Christmas, he would have a wife, kids, house and a backyard. As he
chuckled and turned toward the closet for his jacket, he noticed
Spinelli lying in a fetal position on the couch.
"You ok?" he asked.
"If by ok, you mean feeling as
if my heart is shattered, then I am just excellent," Spinelli sulked.
"Ok. What happened?" Jason sat
on the arm of the couch.
"I just saw a friend make a
very huge mistake. I don't comprehend how she cannot see the errors of
her ways. What she is doing can have ruinous consequences. "
"Let me guess. This has to do
with Maxie."
"I know you don't have a great
opinion of her, but she has been trying to change, and she wants the world
to see all of her great qualities. This misdeed that she has fallen into
will undo all of the good work that she accomplished."
"Sometimes people have to make
their own mistakes. You just need to be there for her when she needs
you. From the sound of things, she'll be needing you real soon."
Before Spinelli could reply,
there was a knock at the door. Somehow Jason wasn't surprised when he
opened the door and found Maxie standing there. His first thought was to
tell her to go home, but he was already late for his date with Liz, and he
was in no mood to argue with Maxie.
Like a dizzy butterfly, Maxie
fluttered across the room and sat down next to Spinelli.
"I'm leaving," Jason stated. "If
you need me, call English; she'll know how to get in touch with me."
Before Jason walked out of the door, he added, "Please, please stay out of
"Spinelli," Maxie crooned as
soon as Jason left. "I've been looking all over for you."
Spinelli remained silent,
causing Maxie to respond in a pained voice. "So you think the worst of
me, don't you. You aren't even going to give me a chance to explain."
"If you want me to approve of
your choice in men, a married man at that, then you're wrong. I can't
watch you make what could be the biggest mistake of your life."
"Biggest mistake?! For your
information, what you saw was Jax giving me a chance to plan the next
few issues of Crimson. He was giving me the chance of a lifetime. I
thanked him by hugging him, and he stumbled, and we fell on the couch."
She looked at Spinelli but could see the doubt in his eyes. "You don't
believe me!" she shouted as she jumped up from the couch. "Great!" She
grabbed her purse and headed towards the front door.
"Maxie!" she heard Spinelli
scream her name as she slammed the front door. Tears stung her eyes as
she ran for the open elevator, eager for a ride to the lobby.
"The park is no place for you to
be in the middle of the night, especially all alone."
Maxie heard Johnny's voice behind
her as she sat on the park bench next to the steps where Georgie died.
"I know." she said quietly.
As Johnny sat down beside her, he
noticed a tear on her cheek. "You're crying."
As she wiped the tears from her
cheek, she started to cry harder. "I really miss her. She was the only
one who believed in me."
Johnny knew that feeling. He felt
the same way when his mother died. He feels that same way today: broken.
For the next several minutes, Johnny sat quietly as Maxie cried. He slowly put his arm around her
and guided her head toward his shoulder. Leaning on him, she let all of
her pent up emotions escape. She cried for Georgie, for her failed
relationship with her mother, for Kate and for her broken friendship
with Spinelli. As her tears ebbed, Johnny took her hand and helped her
stand up. Gently wiping away her remaining tears, he asked softly, "Let's
go for a ride. I think I know what will make you feel better." He
watched her nod. Keeping her hand in his, he led her to his car. As
Johnny let the top down on his black convertible, Maxie realized how
warm it was for a spring night. It was a great night for a ride, even if
it was with Johnny.
"Winter of Resentment" ~
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Part 7 |
Part 8 |
Part 9 |
Part 10 |
Part 11 |
Part 12 |
Part 13
"Spring Flowers" ~
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Part 7 |
Part 8 |
Part 9 |
Part 10 |
Part 11 |
Part 12 |
Part 13 |
Part 14
"Warm Spring Nights" ~
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Part 7 |
Part 8 |
Part 9 |
Part 10 |
Part 11 |
Part 12 |
Part 13
"Summer Suspects" ~
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Part 7 |
Part 8 |
Part 9 |
Part 10 |
Part 11 |
Part 12 |
Part 13 |
Part 14
"Accidental Autumn" ~
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Part 7 |
Part 8 |
Part 9 |
Part 10 |
Part 11 |
Part 12 |
Part 13
"Murder, Marriage, and Mayhem" ~ Part 1
| Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Part 7 |
Part 8 |
Part 9 |
Part 10 |
Part 11 |
Part 12 |
Part 13 |
Part 14 |
Part 15
"Tangled Webs" ~ Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Part 7 |
Part 8 |
Part 9 |
Part 10 |
Part 11 |
Part 12 |
Part 13
"Regret" ~ Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Part 7
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Page updated 8/27/12