General Hospital Contact Info From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Contact Page

Write to your favorite General Hospital stars!

You can contact many of the actors through their web sites.  Find their links on our GH links Page.

Here are the addresses for ABC and GH execs.  See other GH soap star addresses on our Soapstars Addresses page.

If you have an opinion, write and let TPTB know... it could make a difference.
(And it never hurts to write the soap magazines and get some press for your favorites... ;-)

To send POSTCARDS to your favorite ABC stars or request autographed photos, please write to the production company for the show. Please send all requests for photographs and signatures directly to the production company.  All letters are inspected so they will take longer than sending postcards or emails.

Kimberly Godwin
President, ABC Television Network
Disney Media Networks Division
500 South Buena Vista Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91521

or write to

Lisa Hackner
Head of Daytime Programming
ABC Television Network
Disney Media Networks Division
500 South Buena Vista Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91521

LOS ANGELES CA  90027-4524

Phone ABC at  323-671-4583 (NOT FREE)

(for individual star fanclubs, go here)

Chris Van Etten and Dan O' Connor Co- Head Writers
c/o ABC
4151 Prospect Avenue
Los Angeles, CA  90027-4524

Frank Valentini, Executive Producer
c/o ABC
4151 Prospect Avenue
Los Angeles, CA  90027-4524
Twitter Page

ABC/Disney PR for GH: Ambir Sniezko

The GH comment line (which is an answering machine):

Fill out a contact form at

Send letters or phone your local stations.

GH and all ABC Daytime e-mail address: or

And if you'd like to let the magazines know what you're thinking:

Sound Off
Soap Opera Digest
 4 New York Plaza, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10004
e-mail: or comment on their Facebook page.
To get your letter in Ask Us, email or write in.

FYI: Actors are very busy people. Some of them answer or send autographs, and some just don't. It could take weeks, months, or years for them to answer, or you may get no reply at all.

Other Daytime Address Pages: AMC, ATWT, B&B, Days, GL, OLTL, Passions, PC, & Y&R.

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Page updated 7/31/21

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