Catherine Hickland One Life to Live Q&A From The TV MegaSite
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One Life to Live Q&A

Catching Up With Catherine Hickland (Lindsay)
Laurie Bedigian
April 12, 2009

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the lovely and talented Catherine Hickland.  Catherine’s resume includes many television credits, such as “CHiPs,” “Knight Rider,” and “Law & Order.”   Catherine is also well known in the world of daytime.  She’s appeared on “Texas,” "The Bold and the Beautiful," “Capitol,” “Loving,” “The City,” and most recently, “One Life To Live.”  As well as being an actress, Catherine is also a writer, a motivational speaker, a hypnotherapist, a makeup artist, and a singer. Interesting, lovely, and intelligent don’t begin to describe Catherine.  I hope you enjoy the interview:

Hi Catherine.  First, you look fabulous. What’s your secret to staying so gorgeous?  Do you follow a particular diet or exercise plan? 

Thank you so much for the kind words!  I am on the road a lot and have really fallen off my exercise and good-eating routine.   I am about 6 pounds over my desired weight, and like most people, I don’t feel good about it, but, I am looking forward to settling down soon, and then I will be back to my normal habits.  I don’t believe in diets, they don’t work, period.  For the most part, I find it’s an external fix to an internal problem.  It sure is for me, anyway.  It’s not what we’re eating; it’s what’s eating us.  First, we must be gentle with ourselves, and then we must change our literal minds.

You’re currently doing a book tour for “The 30-Day Heartbreak Cure.”  Have the tour and the book been successful so far?  How many cities have you toured and how many more to go?   

I have been to about 12 cities, and I am on a break while I work on my new hypnosis stage show.  There have been some magical moments out there on the tour, and I expect there will be many more.  I am going to be in Union, New Jersey on May 3 at a very cool bookstore called Here’s The Story.  We have an amazing day planned, and it will be different from any discussions/signings I have done yet. 

For those who don’t know, tell us about your new book.  It’s much more than a book about the loss of a relationship, is it not?  Is it sort of like a manual on “life?”

Thank you for asking this.  Yes, it absolutely is. We are not taught “Life 101” or “Emotional Issues 101,” or “Who Am I? 101” in school.  As a result, we grow up forming patterns shaped from experiences and feelings we may not even remember.  This profoundly affects the choices we make!  My book helps the reader understand why they may have made the choices they’ve made, and get them refocused on themselves, their goals and dreams, and gently guide them to their God-given common sense.  I want to get their minds off of the heartbreaker and back onto themselves. What a freedom this is!  Glory!

I have also been told it has even saved marriages!  That really was a new one. But, once we begin to understand ourselves, a whole new world of possibilities opens up to us.  We become happier people. We become more interesting to ourselves; and, as a result, more interesting to others.  We attract better people, because we are better.  We are also happy to be in our own skin, and that equals being happy on our own and being good with that.

Was this your first stab at writing?  What inspired you to write a self-help book? 

“The 30-Day Heartbreak Cure” has been in me for 18 years, but it takes amazing discipline to write a book.  It takes time and focus.  I finally had the time, and God knows my heart was in it. In fact, God nagged me for years to write it.  I am not kidding.   That’s another story in itself.

I have been writing for a long time, but this is my first book. My heart was broken, and I wanted the pain to end and life to begin again AND be better than I ever knew it to be.  My book is the answer to the paralyzing grief of heartbreak.

You also work as a Motivational Speaker?  Does your audience consist mainly of OLTL fans?  Do you find that your audience is made up mainly of women? 

It is mainly women, but more and more men are starting to show, and enjoy being there.  I speak on many topics, so the audience changes depending on the venue.  For example, if I am speaking on women’s topics, then the audience is female driven.  If I am speaking on the power of the subconscious mind, then I get a great mix.  Many fans come, just because they miss me (that’s what they tell me). I love them, and they know it, so it’s great for all of us. It’s a love fest, what can I say?  They love to tell me about their lives, and what they think of the show, and we just have a great time.  The fans made my career, and I will never, ever, abandon them.  They deserve my respect, and they have it.

You became a certified clinical hypnotherapist in 2008?  How long have you studied hypnosis and how did you become interested in it?   What types of things do you help people overcome through hypnosis?  Can people come to you in an office type setting? 

I started studying about 4 years ago. My passion for this art and science of the mind called hypnosis has grown ever deeper.  It has changed my life to understand how the mind works, and why we do the things we do. I do not work out of an office, but I do occasionally work with people who really and truly want to change habits that are making them unhappy.  We work it out.  The biggest issues with people have been weight, smoking, broken heart grief, and fear of things, like public speaking, for example. I am really effective with a high success rate, and enjoy it.

However, right now, I am hard at work on my stage show, which is very intricate and extremely challenging.  It is so much harder than it looks. I have been studying with true masters, and it’s been great for me.

I understand that you do stage hypnosis in a show called “It’s All In Your Mind.”  Can you share a little about your first stage show in Arkansas and explain why you’re known as the “Trance Former?” 

Last November I did my first stage show at ASU. College students make great subjects!  I love performing at campuses.  I can trance someone in less than 20 seconds, so I am working on being the fastest female hypnotist alive.  I am called the “Trance Former” because of the way I choose to use my powers for good.  LOL!  Seriously, people who experience being hypnotized by me say they feel a transformation begin that is extremely positive and propels them into a new chapter in their lives.  My show is very inspiring as well as funny.  Laughter heals, that’s a fact. I will take the audience on a true journey of the mind. This show is a lifelong dream of mine.  I have always wanted to do this.  It’s hard work.

Also, speaking of current projects, tell us about Conscious Loving Radio.  It’s a “call in” open type forum where you answer listener questions and discuss a variety of topics?  What types of topics do you discuss on the show?  Have you done radio in the past?

This is my first venture into radio.  I changed the name to “EMOTIONAL PEACE 101” recently because this is the direction the show has taken.  We have a huge listenership which grows every week, and I love it.  I love people.  It’s mostly relationship based and advice.  I am now bringing the very top docs in to handle some of the really serious topics. Times are tough right now and people should be able to get emotional help; not just people who can afford it, but everyone who wants to have peace.  That’s exactly why I started the show.  I like that it’s an Internet radio show, as almost everyone has a computer, but not everyone has a radio (I don’t have one).

Do you have any acting projects in the works?  Will we be seeing you on One Life To Live anytime in the near future?

I am working on my show and it will be in Las Vegas later this year, so that is my main focus.  If they (OLTL) call with a story, and it’s a good one, I will do my best to make it work, but I don’t really know.

Finally, you have to be one of the busiest people out there!  You’re an actress, writer, speaker, hypnotherapist, makeup artist, and a singer – did I miss anything?  Is there something you haven’t already done that you would like to do or are planning to do?

Well, you make me sound like Superwoman, and believe me, I’m not.  I only sing occasionally. I haven’t done makeup in years.  Yes, the company is still going strong, but Gillion is the one with that on her shoulders.  I may create the products for, but believe me, Gilly runs the show.  I have learned the lesson of focusing on one thing at a time.  Focus is everything. I delegate authority now and let people do their jobs.

Being a boss is not easy, but having someone so wonderful makes it worth it.  Multitasking is not the way. Take it from a recovering multitasker.  I’d rather do less and do it really well. 

As you can see, Catherine is an amazing woman.  I thank her for taking the time to answer my questions.  For all things Catherine Hickland, please visit her official website at

Read all of Laurie Bedigian's celebrity interviews:

Melissa Archer (ex-Natalie, OLTL)  10/21/12
Sean Kanan (Deacon, Y&R)  11/20/11
Greg Cipes (JT, GH)  9/5/11
Colin Egglesfield (ex Josh, AMC)  9/4/11
Brad Maule (Dr. Tony Jones, GH)  12/13/09
Tim Gibbs (ex-Kevin, OLTL)  11/7/09
Louise Shaffer (Rae Woodard, Ryan's Hope)  10/23/09
Tobias Truvillion (Vincent, OLTL)  8/14/09
Brian Gaskill (Rafe, Port Charles; ex-Bobby, AMC)  7/24/09
Catherine Hickland (Lindsay, OLTL)  4/12/09
Senta Moses (Winnifred, GH)  2/15/09
Blake Gibbons (Coleman, GH)  12/5/08
Brad Maule (Dr. Tony Jones, GH)  11/23/08
Graham Shiels (Cody, GH)  11/19/08
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli, GH)  4/5/08
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli, GH)  1/11/08

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