General Hospital Interviews!
Catching Up with
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli)
Laurie Bedigian

(Photos courtesy of Keith Munyan)
Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing one of my favorite General
Hospital stars, Bradford Anderson, via email. Bradford was very open
and honest when he answered my questions. All of you General Hospital
fans know Bradford is a gifted actor. What many of you may not know is
that Bradford is a funny and insightful person as well. I hope you enjoy
his answers as much as I did.
1. Aside from acting, what other jobs, have you had?
Toy demonstrator, holiday elf... Busboy, waiter, waiter, waiter,
waiter... I really enjoyed being a waiter... I liked the interaction.
Each table was a fresh start; new people, new experience. At times it
was really rewarding. At times it was mind bogglingly frustrating. It
definitely builds character... I’m so grateful for those experiences.
2. I read that you were only six when you first started acting in the
theater as Tiny Tim in a production of “A Christmas Carol.” What is
your most vivid memory about that experience?
Being the only actor who played on Cratchit’s shoulders and saying
the famous last line, “God Bless Us Everyone.” My sister was in it as
well; she played my SISTER of all things. I’m sure my mom was in it
too. That community theater was such a blast. They’re still doing
plays, and I think a lot of the same people that were doing them back
then are still doing them now!
3. In your opinion, why is Spinelli such an endearing character?
He’s sincere. He’s honest. And he’s incredibly earnest. As “out
there” as he can be sometimes when it comes to the way he relates to the
world at large, he’s not wishy washy. He faces an everyday struggle, to
relate to people in as sincere a way as he can in a world that he
doesn’t necessarily fit in. I think when people see that struggle you
can’t help but feel bad for him sometimes. Spinelli always means the
best, but sometimes things get lost in the translation.
4. Are you disappointed that Spinelli’s relationship with Georgie never
developed into a romance?
Heck yes! I can’t wait to see how Spinelli reacts in a
relationship. We’ve seen him pine after girls, but what happens when he
actually gets one? I know I’m interested to find out. Beyond that, I’m
sad I won’t have the opportunity to gaze into Lindze’s beautiful eyes on
a regular basis. We all miss her.
5. You were amazing in the scenes where Spinelli found Georgie’s body in
the park. They were very real, very emotional, and very hard to watch.
Your performance was heartbreaking. How difficult were those scenes for
It’s weird seeing your friend “dead.” I remember working on the
material in my dressing room and thinking about how was I going to
approach the emotional stuff. When I got up on stage and saw Lindze
crumpled on the stairs, I didn’t have to work at all, it was just
there. Sometimes rather than being über-technical, it’s best just to
allow things to happen. And that day, Lindze’s last day, there was
plenty of emotion to be found…there was no need for me to have to create
6. Do you have a favorite actor or one whose work you admire?
I really enjoy watching Gary Oldman. I always knew I liked him, but
it was when I watched "Batman Begins" and then "The Professional" all in the
same week that I realized why. Every character is built from the ground
up. Physically, vocally, every character is a specific creation. If
you ran into him on the street, you’d have no idea what he’s like, because
every time you see him in a movie, he’s a completely different being.
7. I love the humor you add to your character. Do you have any comedic
In terms of comedy I really enjoy watching Paul Rudd. It’s his
complete commitment to what he’s doing that makes him hysterical.
8. If you weren’t an actor, what would you be doing?
Not much, I don’t really have many skills. I’m good at a fair amount
of things, but not great at very many.
9. I read that you’ve done a lot of theater work. I’ve also read that
you sing and dance. Is Broadway a goal for your future?
I try not to have any goals. It makes me appreciate more whatever I
happen to be doing at the time. Would I enjoy doing a Broadway show?
Absolutely. I miss New York, I miss singing and dancing. Is it a
goal? Nope. The only thing that falls in that category is being happy
and healthy. All the other stuff is extra.
10. I’ve been told that you’re very friendly and accommodating with the
fans. Do you enjoy taking part in all of the fan events?
Of course, I enjoy taking part in fan events. How amazing is it that
I have the potential to make someone smile?! That’s pretty neat. The
fans are wonderful people that spend a good portion of their time
watching our faces on the TV. It’s only fair that we get to see their
faces too!
11. What’s the biggest misconception people have about you?
Well, I’m not as big of a dork as people might think I am. I am
pretty wicked dorky, but I’m pretty cool too. Yeah, that’s it... that’s
the misconception. I’m cooler than people might think. I think just
saying that makes me more of a dork. Sweet.
Thanks so much, Bradford. I so appreciate that you’ve taken the time
to talk with me. Have a happy holiday.
My pleasure, Laurie... Happy New Year!
Thanks, Bradford
As I mentioned already, it was a pleasure to interview Bradford.
Thanks to Bradford’s publicist, Shannon, and her team for being so
accommodating. Most of all, thanks to Bradford for allowing me to
share this interview with all of you.
(Click on the photos for a high-resolution
Visit the Official Bradford Anderson Website!
Read all of
Laurie Bedigian's
celebrity interviews:
Melissa Archer
(ex-Natalie, OLTL) 10/21/12
Sean Kanan (Deacon, Y&R) 11/20/11
Greg Cipes (JT, GH)
Colin Egglesfield (ex Josh, AMC)
Brad Maule (Dr.
Tony Jones, GH) 12/13/09
Tim Gibbs (ex-Kevin, OLTL)
Louise Shaffer
(Rae Woodard, Ryan's Hope) 10/23/09
Tobias Truvillion (Vincent,
Brian Gaskill (Rafe, Port Charles;
ex-Bobby, AMC) 7/24/09
Catherine Hickland (Lindsay, OLTL) 4/12/09
Senta Moses (Winnifred, GH) 2/15/09
Blake Gibbons (Coleman, GH) 12/5/08
Brad Maule (Dr. Tony Jones, GH) 11/23/08
Graham Shiels (Cody, GH) 11/19/08
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli, GH) 4/5/08
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli, GH) 1/11/08
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Page updated 7/23/12