Greg Cipes - General Hospital Q&A From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Q & A Pages

General Hospital Interviews!

Getting to Know Greg Cipes (JT)
Laurie Bedigian

If Port Charles’ resident drug dealer, JT, looks and sounds familiar, there’s good reason.  Actor Greg Cipes (JT) currently appears on Roseanne Barr’s Lifetime series, "Roseanne’s Nuts." You’ve also seen him on episodes of "Gilmore Girls," "The Middle," and "True Blood."

Cipes is also the actor behind many animated cartoon voices on shows like "Teen Titans," "Ben 10: Ultimate Alien," "Justice League," and the upcoming new version of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." He is also an accomplished musician and a champion surfer.

The Florida native took a few moments recently to talk with me about his current role on ABC’s "General Hospital" – his first and only daytime role.

Q.  You went to college in Florida for two years, so how and when did you end up in California?

A.  I decided at 20 years old to come out to California, and two weeks later, I booked my first role in a WB TV series. I decided I was just going to learn from experience.

Q.  Let’s talk a little bit about "General Hospital" – it’s your first soap opera, right?

A.  It is my first soap opera.  I met the head of casting (Mark Teschner) back when I was 12 years old, and I really wanted to be in soaps when I was a kid.  And 15 years later here I am.  My brother is the number one "General Hospital" fan in the whole world. I feel like one of the reasons why I wound up on the show is because of his love for the show. Mark Teschner single-handedly gave me the role and wrote this role for me.  I did eight episodes two years ago and this year they wrote me back in in a very big way.

Q.  Were you nervous when you started on GH?

A.  Not nervous, more just grateful and in awe that I’m actually on "General Hospital" which is a big deal.  Some people don’t like soap operas but I personally enjoy the show, and I enjoy the work that’s involved in being a part of daytime.  It’s a lot of work, and it’s a great training ground to get your craft and your art together.

Q.  Talk about working with the fabulous Jonathan Jackson (Lucky).

A.  I’m so lucky to be doing a lot of my scenes with Jonathan Jackson.  He’s really talented, and he raises the bar at every moment.  So for me, I get to keep up with him.  He’s my favorite actor to work with at "General Hospital."

Q.  Talk about working with Bruce Weitz (Anthony).

A.  Everyone who finds out I do scenes with Bruce is really excited.  He’s awesome.  He’s another master that I get to work with on the show. 

Q.  What do you find to be the most challenging aspect of doing a daytime soap?

A.  It’s the amount of work that’s put into one day.  On a soap opera, we shoot 100 pages (of dialogue) in one day. With a sitcom or film, it’s usually six tso ten pages in a day. 

Q.  Is your time on GH long term?

A.  As of right now … They keep making my episodes bigger and bigger. They say it’s a long run….  The new writer is amazing….  As of right now it’s until the end of September.

Q.  Do you think you may be asked to stay longer?

A.  It depends on the fans. My character is definitely disturbing people (laughs). 

Watch for Greg Cipes on "Roseanne’s Nuts" Wednesdays at 9 pm EST on Lifetime.  He plays a man who camps out in her yard. For more on the actor, visit his official website:

Read all of Laurie Bedigian's celebrity interviews:

Melissa Archer (ex-Natalie, OLTL)  10/21/12
Sean Kanan (Deacon, Y&R)  11/20/11
Greg Cipes (JT, GH)  9/5/11
Colin Egglesfield (ex Josh, AMC)  9/4/11
Brad Maule (Dr. Tony Jones, GH)  12/13/09
Tim Gibbs (ex-Kevin, OLTL)  11/7/09
Louise Shaffer (Rae Woodard, Ryan's Hope)  10/23/09
Tobias Truvillion (Vincent, OLTL)  8/14/09
Brian Gaskill (Rafe, Port Charles; ex-Bobby, AMC)  7/24/09
Catherine Hickland (Lindsay, OLTL)  4/12/09
Senta Moses (Winnifred, GH)  2/15/09
Blake Gibbons (Coleman, GH)  12/5/08
Brad Maule (Dr. Tony Jones, GH)  11/23/08
Graham Shiels (Cody, GH)  11/19/08
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli, GH)  4/5/08
Bradford Anderson (Spinelli, GH)  1/11/08

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