Port Charles Fan Clubs Info From The TV MegaSite
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Port Charles Fan Clubs Page


PC Fan Clubs

Here are the addresses for PC actors with fan clubs. Note that most mail is sent to the studio and that the actors prefer that fan club mail *not* be addressed as fan club, but just generally to the actor in question.

These may not be up-to-date, since the show has been off the air for a while now...

Port Charles Fan Club
c/o Debbie Morris
P.O. Box 96737
Houston, TX 77213
e-mail: GHPCFANCLB@aol.com

Michael Easton Fan Club (Caleb) (unofficial fan club)

Kelly Monaco Fan Club (Livvie/Tess)

Brian and Erin Hershey Presley Fan Club (Jack and Alison)
e-mail: debbyoconnor@aol.com
Send $35 (U.S.) or $40 (Canadian) or $45 (other countries) to join.  Make all checks to:
Brian and Erin Hershey Presley Fan Club
c/o Debby O'Connor
P.O. Box 16212
Irvine, CA  92623

Eddie Matos (Ricky)
e-mail: debbyoconnor@aol.com

Maree Cheatham International Fan Club (Charlene, Lucy's aunt)
137 N. Larchmont Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90004
e-mail: maree@mareecheatham.com

Please let us know if you know of any PC fan clubs that aren't listed here!  

Are you a big fan of PC? Email us if you want to help out our site!

Other Fan Club Pages: AMC, ATWT, AW, B&B, Days, GH, OLTL, Passions, & Y&R.

Page updated 8/21/14

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