Port Charles Trivia Quizzes From The TV MegaSite
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Port Charles Trivia Quizzes Page

Test Your PC Knowledge!

Fate - each quiz has ten multiple-choice questions, with two from each show

Week 1      Week 2      Week 3       Week 4      Week 5      Week 6      Week 7
Week 8      Week 9      Week 10     Week 11    Week 12    Week 13

Time in a Bottle - one Q&A quiz to cover the arc

Tainted Love - each quiz has ten multiple-choice questions, with two from each show

Week 1      Week 2      Week 3       Week 4      Week 5      Week 6      Week 7
Week 8      Week 9      Week 10     Week 11    Week 12    Week 13

Tempted - each quiz has ten multiple-choice questions, with two from each show

Week 1      Week 2      Week 3      Week 4

Miracles Happen - each quiz has ten multiple-choice questions, with two from each show

Week 1      Week 2      Week 3      Week 4

The Gift - each quiz has ten multiple-choice questions, with two from each show

Week 1     Week 2      Week 3       Week 4       Week 5      Week 6     Week 7
Week 8     Week 9      Week 10     Week 11     Week 12    Week 13

Our other trivia quizzes: AMC, ATWT, AW, B&B, Days, GH, GL, OLTL, Passions, Y&R, general daytime, 24, Alias, American Gothic, Angel, Boston Legal, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Ghost Whisperer, Heroes, House, Jericho, Lost, The O.C., and Smallville.

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Page updated 8/21/14

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