As The World Turns Polls From The TV MegaSite

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As The World Turns Polls Page

ATWT Polls - Give us Your Opinion!

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ATWT Poll #1
Why do you think As The World Turns was canceled?
Bad writing
too many young people cast
not enough support from CBS
not enough stories for veterans
all of the above reasons
some other reason
ATWT Poll #2
Which couple is your favorite?
Jack and Carly
Dusty and Janet
Lily and Holden
Henry and Barbara
Paul and Emily
Casey and Allison
Bob and Kim
Tom and Margo
Parker and Liberty
Luke and Noah
ATWT Poll #3
How would you like to see ATWT end?
everyone happy and married
all loose ends tied up
left open so we know that Oakdale lives go on
something really shocking
not sure
ATWT Poll #4
Will you continue to watch other soap operas after ATWT is gone?
Yes, definitely
Probably not
Definitely not
I\'m not sure

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Page updated 8/1/17

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