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Primetime  TV Links Page

Current Primetime TV Links

This is just an unofficial fan page, we have no connection to any shows or networks.

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Please use the links below to access our Current Primetime TV Links.  We are trying to find at least one or more good links for every current TV show that is out there on the Web.  Once the show gets canceled, we then move it to our Classic Links pages.  You can find many shows listed at the Internet Movie Database,, and TV Guide's Show pages.  All the rest of the links will be found here on our links pages as we try to get the official site(s) and a couple of good fan pages whenever possible. 

Check out our other Links pages for General Daytime Links, All My Children, Another World, As The World Turns, Bold & Beautiful, The City/Loving, Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, General Hospital: Night Shift, Guiding Light, One Life to Live, Passions, Port Charles, Sunset Beach, Young & The Restless, International and other canceled soaps, General Primetime TV Links, TV Network Links, Celebrity Links, 24, Blackadder, Alias, American Gothic, American Idol, Angel, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Boston Legal, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, CSI, Dawson's Creek, Drew Carey Show, Earth 2, Eerie Indiana, Fawlty Towers, .Ghost Whisperer, Grey's Anatomy, Grossepointe, Herman's Head, Heroes, Hi Honey I'm Home, Hollywood Heights, House, Howard Stern, Jericho, Larry Sanders Show, Law & Order, Lois and Clark, Lost, Mad About You, Mork & Mindy, The O.C., Pacific Palisades, Police Squad, Red Dwarf, Remington Steele, Savannah, Sledgehammer, Smallville, South Park, Space: 1999, Star Trek , True Blood, TV Nation, and Vampire Diaries.

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We need more episode guide recap writers, article writers, MS FrontPage and Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so please email us if you can help out!  More volunteers always needed!  Thanks!

Page updated 1/21/18

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