One Life to Live ABC Cast List From The TV MegaSite
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One Life to Live Cast List

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Character Actor
Kimberly Andrews, nee Aubrey Wentworth Amanda Setton*
Gigi Morasco Balsom Farah Fath
Rex Balsom John-Paul Lavoisier
Roxanne "Roxy" Louise Balsom Ilene Kristen*
Victoria "Viki" Lord Banks Erika Slezak
Bree Brennan Stephanie Schmal*
Jessica Buchanan Brennan / Tess / Wes Bree Williamson
Aubrey Wentworth Buchanan Terri Conn
Bo Buchanan Robert S. Woods
Clint Buchanan Jerry verDorn
Kevin Buchanan Dan Gauthier
Matthew Buchanan Eddie Alderson 
Natalie Buchanan Melissa Archer
Nora Hanen Buchanan Hillary B. Smith
Renée Divine Buchanan Patricia Elliott*
Dr. Campbell Andre` Blake*
Elijah Clarke Matthew Walton*
Rufus Collins Jules*
Addie Cramer Pamela Payton-Wright*
Blair Cramer Kassie DePaiva
Tomás Delgado Ted King
Madame Delphina Lea DeLaria*
Echo DiSavoy Kim Zimmer*
Destiny Loretta Evans Shenell Edmonds
Shaun Evans Sean Ringgold
Mayor Kathleen Finn Wendy Moniz*
James Ford Nic Robuck
Robert Ford David A. Gregory
Ryder Ford Matthew and Nicholas Urbanowicz*
Dr. Jay Gangemi Paul Rolfes*
Brad Konzinski Frank Dolce*
Mr. Konzinski David Aaron Baker*
Dr. Edward Levin Sean J. Cullen*
Brody Lovett Mark Lawson
Danielle Manning Kelley Missal*
Irene Manning Barbara Rhodes*
Jack Cramer Manning Andrew Trischitta
Sam Manning Patrick Gibbons, Jr.*
Starr Manning Kristen Alderson
Téa Delgado Manning Florencia Lozano
Todd Manning Roger Howarth
John McBain Michael Easton
Blanca Morales Carolina Bermudez*
Shane Morasco Austin Williams*
Rama Varahabhotla Patel Shenaz Treasury
Neela Patel Teresa Patel
Vimal Patel Nick Choksi*
Rick Powers Austin Peck*
Darren Price J. J. Singleton*
Theo Price Maximillian Tapper*
Inez Salinger Jessica Leccia*
Nate Salinger Lenny Platt
Nigel Bartholomew-Smythe Peter Bartlett*
Hope Manning-Thornhart Madeline, Molly, and Tess Sullivan*
Carlotta Vega Saundra Santiago*
Cristian Vega David Fumero
Cutter Wentworth Josh Kelly
Dr. Vivian Wright Kearran Giovanni*

*recurring  **guest star

Most of this Info from Internet Movie Database

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