Primetime TV Games & Puzzles From The TV MegaSite

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Primetime  Puzzles and Games Page

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Lodge 49 Crossword Puzzle by Suzanne

Superhero Prison Match by Suzanne

TV Abbreviations by Suzanne

Charmed Crossword by Brenda

TV Shows Puzzle by Nikki

TV Family Favorites of the Fifties!

Primetime Puzzle and Solution

TV Tidbits Puzzle and Solution

Other Sites:

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Brainzilla TV Word Searches

Printable TV Games and Puzzles

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Celebrity Cafe TV, Celebrity and other Trivia Quizzes

The Simpsons

TV Jigsaws at  Jigsaw Planet 

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Try our other puzzle pages: 24, 30 Rock, Alias, All My Children, American Gothic, Angel, As The World Turns, Battlestar: Galactica, Bold & The Beautiful, Boston Legal, Buffy the Vampire SlayerCharmed, CSI, Dawson's Creek, Days of Our Lives, Daytime, General Hospital, Ghost Whisperer, Grey's Anatomy, Guiding Light, Heroes, House, Howard Stern, Jericho, Law & Order, Lost, The O.C., One Live to Live, Passions, Port Charles, Sledgehammer, Smallville, Vampire Diaries, and Young & The Restless

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Page updated 6/29/20

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