Chapter 1
Caleb Temple sat on the edge of the pier, dangling his
bare feet in the cool water. It was a beautiful spring day, but Caleb
hadn’t noticed, he was too lost in his thoughts.
It had been three weeks since his cousin Gail had
awoken from her coma. Caleb wasn’t sure what had happened to her, but he
knew somehow he had been responsible for her condition.
“How could that be?” Caleb asked himself quietly, “I
would never hurt Gail, she’s my only living relative…I love her”
Caleb had tried to remember back to the time of the
accident, but all he saw were random images…talking to Miss Coombs at
Lucas’s grave, pointing a gun at Ben, and watching as Gail lost her footing
and fell down Lucas’s stairs. What had happened? Why was he at Lucas’s
house? Why hadn’t he helped Gail?! He was so confused, he needed answers.
Caleb had thought about asking Lucas to help him
remember, but Lucas always seemed preoccupied the last three weeks.
Whenever Caleb asked about the accident Lucas would tell him to let sleeping
dogs lie, all that really mattered was Gail was awake and not seriously
injured. Still, Caleb couldn’t stop thinking about this whole messy
Caleb felt so alone. Gail hadn’t even called him since
she woke up, Lucas was always otherwise preoccupied, and Ben seemed to be
avoiding him. The only person who actually talked to him about Gail was
Doctor Peele, together they had been trying to figure out what had happened,
and in the meantime Doctor Peele was giving him updates on how Gail was
doing. Apparently she was healing brilliantly but she seemed to be sad all
the time.
Caleb again reflected on how alone he was. The one
person he really cared about wanted nothing to do with him. He missed Gail
and wanted things back to how they were before!
Caleb put
his head in his hands and cried.
Gail Emory kneeled down in her garden to pull more
weeds out of the soil. She sighed and wiped her forehead with the back of
her gloved hand, Gail couldn’t believe how overgrown her garden had gotten
in just four weeks.
Gail had been in a coma for a week, and had recovered
nicely in the three weeks that followed. Since the accident she had been
banned from doing any strenuous, stressful work. Billy had advised her to
take it easy and try to relax.
“Relax?...” Gail chuckled, “I was attacked by my only
living relative and suffered a miscarriage, and he wants me to relax?” Gail
shook her head and carried on with her chore.
Unlike Caleb, Gail remembered everything clearly. She
remembered Caleb chasing her with a hot poker, him trying to break down the
locked bathroom door to get at her and her baby; fooling him long enough to
escape, only to be stopped in her tracks by the sight of her dead lover that
she had buried just a few hours earlier. Finally, she remembered Caleb
taking a final swing at her resulting in her falling down a flight of
Gail had stopped dead in her garden. A single tear ran
down her cheek. Gail didn’t know what was worse, being scared to tears by a
ten year old child, or losing him, the person she loved most in this world.
Coming to Trinity and leaving her good life back in
Charleston had been hard. Starting anew with a dependant child had been
something Gail had never wanted to do, but she had stayed, ignoring her
friends and editors warnings about her career…she had stayed. Gail had done
the best she could with Caleb from day one, she had made a few mistakes
sure, but she was learning as she went along. Looking after a child was
hard in itself, but trying to be there for your only living relative proved
even harder. Sometimes it was all too overwhelming, but she stayed and kept
trying. Gail had grown to love Caleb more than she had loved anyone else,
including her parents. What was she supposed to do without him?
“What has happened to us?” Gail whispered aloud.
“Who are you talking to darlin’?”
Gail quickly snapped out of her haze and clenched her
fists into the soil. She didn’t need to turn around, she knew that voice
“Leave me alone, Lucas.” Gail said trying to relax her
Lucas Buck walked towards Gail with a bunch of red
roses in his hand. “Now is that anyway to treat a member of the law Gail?”
Gail released her hands from the soil and stood up and
took her gloves off, “What do you want Lucas?”
“I just wanted to see how you’re doin…Is that a crime?”
Lucas replied with a smirk.
Gail turned around, “No, but I’ve told you several
times I want to be left alone.”
Gail walked past Lucas, ignoring the flowers in his
hand and headed towards her porch. She felt Lucas was partly to blame for
what had happened and she didn’t want to deal with him until she was feeling
Lucas watched Gail walk past him and turned towards
her, “How’s Caleb?” he called from behind her. “Have you talked to him yet?”
Gail stopped in her tracks and snapped, “That’s none of
your business.”
“My son is upset, so it is my business
Gail laughed, “Your son? You reject him for ten years
then decide to acknowledge him, and you think that makes him your son?”
Lucas, knowing Gail was upset, shrugged off the insult
and walked closer to her. “Caleb’s your only living relative, do you really
want to push him away Gail? You have spent enough time with him to know he
is a caring boy, and he loves you…” Lucas said putting his hands on Gail’s
shoulders, “…and he doesn’t even remember what he did.”
“But I do!...” Gail spat out in anger, turning away
from Lucas so he couldn’t see her tears, “…What he did is unforgivable!”
Gail entered her house and slammed the door behind her, leaving Lucas alone
on the porch with his flowers.
Chapter 2
Lucas stood for a moment before placing the flowers on Gail's front
porch, then walked to his car.
This whole situation was getting out of hand. Lucas was glad for the time
he could spend alone with Caleb, but not at the expense of Gail. Caleb's and
Gail's relationship was fragile enough before he 'died', it didn't this extra
Lucas had had no problem forgiving Caleb, he was his son after all and
god knows Lucas had done some unforgivable things when his father was still
alive. Besides Caleb wasn't to blame...he was misled by the one person
Lucas had trusted most over the years. He would make Selena pay sooner
or later, but he needed to get Caleb and Gail back together, they were no
use to him this miserable, but getting them together was proving harder
than he thought.
Lucas got in his car and turned towards the pier. He decided to try
his luck with Caleb.
Gail watched Lucas through her window. She waited until she was
sure he wasn't coming back then opened the door and picked up the roses.
Lucas had brought her roses every day since the accident. Gail found it
hard to resist Lucas when he was acting as if he really cared, but she had
to be strong and remind herself why they had broken up. In the end she
realised she couldn't deal with the truth behind Judith's conception of
Caleb, to think she actually admitted she loved a rapist gave Gail the
strength to push Lucas away.
Of course that was all just an excuse, Gail both loved and hated
Lucas. One half of her longed to run her fingers through his soft,
caramel hair, kiss his lips, tell him she was actually glad he was alive and
seeing him at his "funeral" had broke her heart. The other half was
telling her to wake up, stop acting stupid and open her eyes to who he truly
was! The man was a sociopath who got off on other people pain and misery.
Bringing up what she believed he did to Judith gave her the strength she
needed to turn him away.
Gail closed the front door and threw the flowers in the trash basket.
She sat down , sighed, and ran her fingers through her long, brown hair,
Gail hadn't realised how long her hair had gotten. When she woke from
the coma she had found out Rita had done a good job keeping her hair and
nails tidy. Presentation was always the key, that's what her mother
had told her when she was a child.
Rita had told Gail everything about Lucas's reincarnation and how he'd
visited her every day, bringing Caleb every now and again. Caleb
seemed dazed and confused, she had said, like he'd himself had awoken from a
deep sleep.
It took Gail the better part of a week to fully remember what had
happened to her. When Billy told her she had miscarried she was
devastated, she had even cried on Lucas's shoulder! Later that day, when
Billy chased Lucas away, she vowed never to let anyone see her that
vulnerable again.
Gail decided early on not to see Caleb. Her first instinct was to
run, pack all her belongings and just leave. Nothing was holding her
back, she had no baby to think of, no family to take care of, but running
would make her a coward. Besides, no matter how hard she tried to hate
Caleb deep down she still loved him.
Part of her wanted to forgive him, wanted to be a family again, but all
she kept seeing was that hot poker in Caleb's hand coming down on her.
Gail put her head in her hands and cried.
To be continued.......
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