"Lucas, are you sure you know where we are going?" Gail asked, annoyed.
knew she shouldn't have agreed to let Lucas drive her to the convention in
Wilmington, but she had let Loris borrow her car and she was stuck; she
needed to be there.
" I've been to Wilmington a thousand times, darlin'. I know what I'm
doing. Now, if you would just be quiet and stop bothering me, I will be able to get
you there in no time, ok?" Lucas said, agitated. He had been down this road
thousand times, yes, but there hadn't been this much snow on the roads
before. It was hard to tell where anything was.
"Look, we've been driving for 3 hours. Lucas. Why don't you just admit that
we're lost, and turn back while there's still time?" Gail couldn't believe
how stubborn he was. How hard is it to admit you're lost?
"Gail!, look, I know a short cut. We'll turn onto this road; it'll get us
there faster"
"Fine!" Gail said, giving up for now. She was tired; she wanted to take a
little nap.
"You go to sleep, darlin''" Lucas said, reading her mind, "I'll wake you up
when we get there.
Gail drifted off to sleep, while Lucas turned onto his short cut. In her
dream, Gail was sitting on a huge rug, on the floor, next to a log fire in
quaint little cottage. She was feeding her dog and sipping some red wine.
was sweltering. Sweat was running down her bare legs, and her hair lay
soaked on her shoulders and down her back. Sweet, country music was
in the background while Gail hummed along. She was at peace. It was her
Gail was immediately awakened from her dream.
"What the hell?" Gail shouted, confused. She looked around the car.
coldness hit her straight away, and she could feel the goose bumps on her flesh.
Gail crossed her arms to give herself a little bit of heat. It wasn't much
but, it'd do.
"Damn!" Lucas said as he turned to Gail, "Are you ok, darlin'?"
"What happened?" Gail suddenly realized they were not moving. "Why have we
stopped, Lucas?" she asked in dismay.
"We hit a rock, and I think the tire has gone flat.
Either that, or the engine
has frozen over. I'll be back in a minute; you wait here," Lucas said, as
buttoned his coat up and ventured through the snow to the side of the car.
The snow was already about 2 feet off the ground.
"Well, this is fun," Lucas said to himself as he checked the tires.
When he
saw they were okay, he opened the hood of the engine. Lifting it up, he saw
that the
engine was clogged with snow. "Aw, hell!" Lucas cursed as he walked back to
"Well?" Gail asked anxiously.
"Looks like were stuck, darlin'."
"Stuck? Stuck!" Gail shouted, "How in God's name can we be stuck? I told
earlier we should've stopped in the café until the storm passed, but no!
Mister all-powerful here thought we should press on...!"
"Calm down," Lucas said as he reached to caress her face.
He could make
situation work for him if he played his cards right.
"Calm down? Don't tell me to calm down. I could've been sitting at home,
nice and warm with a book on my lap, but you insisted on taking me. For
Christ sake, Lucas, can't you feel how cold it is? The snow's rising, too.
are stuck!!" Gail wrapped her arms tightly around her body. She had left
coat at home; she didn't expect it to be this cold.
Lucas took off his jacket and handed it to Gail, "Here you go, darlin''" He
could see the panic slowly rising inside her. "You know, shouting isn't gonna help the situation.
It's not my fault the weather turned out like
We'll be okay; we just need to stick together" Lucas pulled Gail to him so
head was leaning against his shoulders, "Go back to sleep. The snow will
probably have cleared by the time you wake up."
Gail hated Lucas, but at times like these she was happy that he was around,
even if she would never admit it to him, or anyone else. for that matter.
was feeling a bit warmer so she decided to try and go to sleep again.
was probably right--the snow would clear up soon…
Three hours later, Gail woke up to see the snow had risen to just below her
window, and the temperature had dropped to minus 15. Gail pushed herself off
Lucas. The cold hit her straight away and she began to shiver. "Lucas, it's
freezing in here," Gail said, trying not to show him that she was scared.
"You think I'm oblivious to that fact, darlin'?" Gail noticed Lucas' lips
turned blue. "There's nothing we can do but sit this out. I was hoping
sleep through it."
Gail turned herself into a ball on her seat, she couldn't stop shivering.
Lucas had decided to do the same; even he was at a loss in this situation.
He had been trying to come up with a plan to get out them out of this. If
decided to hike to the nearest gas station, he'd probably freeze to death
within an hour, and then Gail would be alone in the car to freeze to death
herself. There was nothing to do but wait.
"Ok, I'm gonna try the ignition to see if it works," Lucas decided.
"What good would that do? If it didn't work three hours ago, why would it
work now that the temperature's dropped?" Gail said, huddled in her ball,
"Fine, let's hear the reporter's ideas then!" Lucas said.
It was taking up
his last nerve not to shout at her. Sometimes she could be so
"Don't you start shouting at me. You're the one who got us into this mess!"
Gail shouted as she turned her attention to the window. She wasn't going
show him how upset he had made her. Then she thought, "My cell phone!"
"I've got my cell phone, we can call for help!" Gail said reaching for her
phone. "Damn, the signal's shot. Keep it on the dashboard by the window,
the signal should get better soon…
Two hours later, Gail began to panic.
"Lucas, I'm cold. What if we freeze out here?" Gail was now pale, with blue
lips and fingernails.
"We wont, don't worry…". With that, Lucas gently caressed Gail's face. Gail
moved her head toward his hand, trying to salvage the little bit of heat
gave. Lucas, satisfied that Gail didn't pull away, leaned further into
moving his hand down her neck and gently over her breast. Although Gail
a sweater on, she could feel the heat from Lucas' touch. Slowly looking up,
Gail moved her head closer to Lucas as he moved in for a tender kiss. Gail
clung to Lucas tightly as the kiss became more and more forceful.
Lucas moved his hand underneath Gail's sweater; Gail shivered with
anticipation as his hand touched her aching, cold flesh.
"Do you want me to stop?" Lucas whispered in her ear.
Gail looked up into his eyes longingly. Lucas smiled and pulled her
underneath him and unbuttoned her jeans. Gail started to rub her hands all
over Lucas' body. She knew she shouldn't be doing this, but it felt so
right…and she was so cold.
Lucas unbuttoned his pants and Gail moaned as he put himself inside her,
body filling up with tremendous heat. The air in the car began to heat up
and steam the windows. When Gail yelled out in ecstasy, she could feel
heat explode inside her.
Laying together in their sweat-filled aftermath, Gail fell asleep,
to the sound of her phone ringing...
Gail woke up on a couch with a quilt over her, next to a fireplace.
"Morning, darlin'," Lucas said stroking Gail's face and kissing her forehead
"Where are we? What happened?"
"Well, darlin', when you fell asleep, Caleb phoned your mobile. I told him
were stuck and he got Ben to come and get us. I brought you home to my
house; its warmer here," Lucas said, continuously stroking Gail's hair.
Gail closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep while Lucas put his arms
around her and held her close.
The End |