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Lineage -
Ryan - Dichotic -
Skinwalkers -
Visage - Insurgence -
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Prodigal - Fever -
Rosetta - Visitor
- Precipice -
Witness - Accelerate -
Calling - Exodus

First aired October 29, 2002
Official Description -
Detailed Description - Notes
See also:
Quotes -
- Transcripts
The CW's Official Description:
After realizing the farm is in financial trouble, Martha
(Annette O'Toole) goes to her estranged father (guest star George Coe) for help.
Clark (Tom Welling) is thrilled at the prospect of meeting his grandfather but
Jonathan's (John Schneider) refusal to see the man prompts Clark to force a
reunion that doesn't go exactly as planned. Meanwhile, Lana (Kristin Kreuk)
discovers an old photograph that suggests her father may still be alive.
Michael Rosenbaum, Sam Jones III and Allison Mack also star. Chris Long
directed the episode written by Russel Friend & Garrett Lerner.
Detailed Description:
Freak of the Week:
Clark Kent (Tom Welling) and Pete
Ross (Sam Jones III) are trying out for the swim team, and Clark beats Pete and
qualifies for the final round along with Troy Turner. Meanwhile, Lana Chrissy
Parker (Maggie Lawson), a cheerleader, are preparing banners for Spirit Week and
checking out the guys. Chrissy asks Lana what she thinks about Clark, but
Lana says that they are just friends. Troy shows up and asks for a kiss
from his girlfriend Chrissy, and the two go off while Lana finishes off
the banners.
Clark and Try get ready to compete in the final round. Half-way through
their swim, Try suddenly starts shocking and drowning. Chrissy, from the
stands, notices the problem first and screams for someone to help Troy.
Clark superspeeds under water and pulls Troy up and out of the water...
Everyone watches in shock as Troy lies dead on the ground: he has become
an old man.
Chrissy is looking at her face in the mirror of her locker, in particular
at the lines around her eye. Principal Reynolds (Richard Grant) come up to her and
introduces himself, and thanks her for all the effort she has put into
Spirit Week. He also tells her he was going through student files and
noticed that she has not sent in her transcripts from her previous
school. She promises to tell her parents to do so, but looks very upset
once he leaves.
Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack), Pete and Clark are discussing Troy's mysterious death. Chloe adds
the article to her Wall of Weird. The official reports say that he died
of a diseases that quickens the aging process, but Clark objects that
this disease usually happens over 10 years, not 10 seconds. They then
start discussing the new principal, and Clark shows that he clearly
doesn't like him. Chloe thinks he is good for the school, and shows Clark
his impressive resume, and says that his name was mentioned as the Head
of the Metropolis Board of Education. But then, he mysteriously resigned
from Excelsior Prep and then didn't work again until he came to
Smallville. Clark doesn't understand why such a man would wanna come and
work in Smallville.
Chloe tells Clark he should leave the Torch office if he doesn't want to
run into Principal Reynolds, whom she is interviewing in a few minutes.
She also shows Clark Troy's death certificate that states "death
unknown", rather than the disease officials had first reported it may be.
Chloe also finds out that Troy's pituitary gland - which produces the
hormone that controls the aging process - was completely drained, like
someone just sucked the youth right out of him. At that moment, Principal
Reynolds shows up and overhears her comments. He is impressed with her
thinking outside the box and her past articles, but he warns her to start
getting proof of her speculations and wild theories, or she will end up
writing trash for the Inquisitor rather than reporting for the Daily
Planet. He tells Chloe he needs another 1/2 hr before the interview and
says that Clark is the one he was looking for, he wants to see him in his
office. Reynolds tells Clark that he thinks he is a slacker, that he left
the football team on the first game, that he has no extra-curricular
activities and that he is constantly late. Clark tries to defend himself
by saying that he does get good grades and write for the Torch
occasionally, but Reynolds is not impressed and says that he sees a lot
of untapped potential in Clark. Clark wonders how the principal can judge
him so quickly, and Reynolds quickly gets to the point of Clark's
friendship with Lex Luthor (Michael
Rosenbaum). He says, "We are judged by the company we keep".
Reynolds feels that Lex doesn't have friends, but rather uses people as a
means to an end. Clark disagrees. Finally, Reynolds asks him about his
aspirations, his goals in five years. Clark says he wants to help people,
but remains vague. Reynolds tells him he wants a five page essay on his
desk by Friday about Clark's five-year plan. Clark sees it as punishment,
Reynolds tell his it is a challenge.
Clark is sitting at The Talon trying to write his essay, when Chrissy
shows up wanting him to volunteer for the Decorations Committee. He
declines and tells her about his essay. She seems to think that the
future can only be bad, getting a job, responsibilities and getting old.
She looks at her hand that suddenly ages dramatically for a spilt second.
She hides her hand away. Clark notices her acting weird, and asks her if
everything is alright.
Russell, a friends of Troy's, is helping Chrissy with the lighting. They
are alone. Russell tells her how much he misses Troy. She explains that
it is why she came to him, for Troy and for the others, the ones that
will live inside her forever. He doesn't understand what she means by the
others. She starts getting close to him, and then kisses him. As she
kisses him, the effect is immediate, and Russell turns into an old man.
Chloe tells Clark and Pete about Russell's body being found at the back
of The Talon. Lana wanted to cancel the Spirit Week party, but Principal
Reynolds told her not to, to keep things as normal as possible. Clark
notices Chrissy looking at herself in the mirror, and realizes that he
saw her with Russell at The Talon, and she was also with Troy before he
died. Chloe says she will look into it.
Reynolds reminds Chrissy about the transcripts, and also says that he has
been trying to get to know the students and their parents personally. He
wants to come by Chrissy's house when her parents are there. She
suggests, that, instead, he meet them when they come for the Spirit Week
party. He agrees. As she waives him off, she realizes her hand is old
again, which is a sign that she needs new life.
Chloe shows Clark pictures of Piper High School where there were three
mysterious deaths, similar to Troy's and Russell's. Chrissy was a student
there under a different name. As she keeps searching, she finds many
other schools with the same deaths and which Chrissy attended. All of
them had three deaths in 48 hours. She traces them all the way to high
school classes in 1921!! "It takes the Peter Pan complex to a whole new
level", she says, Chrissy has been staying young for . Clark realizes
that it's been nearly a day since her last victim and that she is gonna
need a fresh victim. Chloe goes to call the police and as she looks up,
Clark has disappeared... again!!
Principal Reynolds is looking for Chrissy and her parents. He finds her
at the back of The Talon. He can't see her face as it is hidden in the
shadows of backstage. She finds a stage light that she carries as she
walks slowly towards the principal. He asks her where her parents are,
and she explains to him that they died over a hundred years ago. Finally,
her face is revealed and it is one of an old lady. She tells him she
realizes that high school are the best years of your life, and knocks him
out with the stage light.
Pete and Clark come in looking for Chrissy, and Clark x-rays backstage
and sees Chrissy leaning over a lying body. He tells Pete to go lock the
door, and runs to Chrissy, telling her he knows what is happening and she
needs help. She tells him that she is saving these people from lives that
will never be as happy as they are right now in high school. He tries to
explain to her that there is more to life than Spirit Week and
cheerleading. As she tries to kiss him, he pushes her away, and though
the stage set. She lands on her back and sees a reflections of herself on
a mirror. As she stares at it, her body begins decomposing, and, finally,
turns to ash.
Character Development:
At the Kent Farm, Jonathan Kent (John
Schneider) is trying to figure out the farm's financial
situation while Martha Kent (Annette
O'Toole) is baking huge quantities of muffins and tells
Jonathan and Clark about the two convenience stores and the cafeteria
that she has added to her client list. The guys joke with her about
becoming Mrs. Kent, the next Mrs. Fields. Jonathan gets upset though when
he realizes they're not gonna be able to pay the feed bill. Martha
suggests to go by the store and ask for an extension on their credit, but
Jonathan already tried and was refused. they are already 3 months
behind. Martha suggests one call that could help them: if they called her
father, William Clark (George Coe). Suddenly, Jonathan becomes upset and quiet, and Clark demands to
know why everyone is so uncomfortable talking about his grandfather, and
why he hasn't even met him. Jonathan apologizes for Clark's lack of a
relationship with his grandfather, but says that things are just very
Clark goes to deliver muffins to The Talon. Lana Lang (Kristin
Kreuk) tells him that she's
found so much junk in the old projection booth, she jokes that Aunt Nell
(Sarah-Jane Redmond) was using it as her own personal storage since the 70s. She starts
looking through the stuff, and finds pictures of her mother and another
man. They seem very cozy and in love. Lana is shocked and shows Clark.
Clark tries to explain it. He thinks maybe it's an old boyfriend, but
Lana looks at the back of the picture and sees the date, 7/85, which was
when her parents where already married. Clark then suggests it's just a
friend, and Lana says that she's sure he's right, but they both feel that
there's something more to this. Lex shows up and asks what they are
talking about. He sees the pictures and tells Lana that the two people on
it make an attractive couple, which brings an awkward silence to the
trio. When Lex realizes he must have said something wrong, he follows it
up with "But I'm sure they're a million explanations for it", and Lana
tries to look brave and says that she's sure Nell as a reasonable
explanation for it. Lex tries to lighten to mood by saying, "Then,
mystery solved. I will they were all that easy". Clark says they have to
go to school, but Lana has the first 2 periods off. Lex offers Clark a
ride since he's going that way and Clark tries to be polite and says "Oh,
it's ok, I was just gonna..." and while the other two wait for his
explanation, he can only find the word "run" to finish the sentence. Lex
and Lana laugh and Lex says "Oh, I don't think you can outrun my
As they drive up to school, they met the new principal, Principal
Reynolds, who gives Clark a hard time for being late. He explains that
the school gates will be closed as soon as classes start. Lex tries to
take the blame for Clark's tardiness, but the principal recognizes Lex,
since he used to be principal at Excelsior Prep when Lex was there. He
feels that Clark should be taking responsibility for his own actions. As
Clark excuses himself to go to class, Lex asks the principal why he's
still so tough on Lex after all these years. The principal shows a
complete distrust for the Luthors.
Clark helps Lana out at The Talon and tells her about his grandfather,
who was a big corporate lawyer in Metropolis and then retired with his
wife to Coast City. When Clark was in 6th grade, he tried calling his
grandfather but he left a few messages, but his granddad never returned
his call. Aunt Nell shows up and Clark tells Lana this may be her chance
to deal with her family secrets. But when Nell sees the photos of Laura
Lang with this other man, she just reassures Lana that Laura loved Lana
and Lewis more than anything in the world, and that she would never have
done anything to hurt either of them.
Martha's father, William Clark arrives at the farm. Martha is there to
great him. They hug awkwardly. She tells him that Jonathan doesn't know
that he's here. William tells her that he realizes what courage it must
have taken for her to call. He looks around at the farm and tells her
that this is not the life he would have wanted for her. But Martha
assures him that she chose it and that she's happy. He reminds her that
she was in the top 10 of her class in college and that she could have
gone to any law school she wanted, but she reminds him she never wanted
to be a lawyer. Clark shows up early. Martha wasn't expecting him. She
introduces him to his grandfather. The conversation then stops, and
William tells Martha that he will be staying at the motel and that he
will have a cashier's check drawn up for her in the morning. Clark
doesn't understand what is happening, and tell William that he can stay
in the house. William states that it may not be such a good idea. Clark
at least asks for them to all have dinner together as a family, but
again, William sadly refuses. However, neither William or Martha seem
happy about the way the situation is between all of them.
Jonathan is upset to hear that Martha called her father behind his back.
Clark tries to be the mediator in their discussion, but Jonathan tells
him he doesn't know all the facts. He explains that, twenty year ago, he
had asked William for Martha's hand in marriage, and William had refused,
saying that he didn't want his daughter living on a farm with someone who
probably couldn't support her. He had tried to shut Jonathan out of his
office, and Jonathan had hit him. Since then, they have never spoken.
Lana is holding the cheerleader rehearsals at The Talon. Lex shows up and
she asks him for his help in identifying the mystery man on the pictures
with her mother. Lex warns her that she may not like what she finds, and
wonders if she can handle the truth. Lana assures him that she wants to
whole truth, no matter what it is.
Clark gets his granddad to the farm to wait for Jonathan's return.
Jonathan is upset to see him, and they argue. William feels that all his
predictions have come true, and that it is obvious that Martha has made
the biggest mistake of her life. On his side, Jonathan accuses William of
having been away for twenty years and suddenly wanting to be part of the
family. William says he doesn't want anything, he just brought a check
because he doesn't want to see his daughter suffer. William leaves again,
with nothing accomplished.
Lex comes to visit Reynolds in his office. He notices the "Count of Monte
Cristo" on the desk and finds it an interesting choice, the story of a
man whose past comes back to haunt him. Lex says he's here because the
plant is updating their computer system, and he wants to donate the old
computers to Smallville High. Reynolds is confused by the offer, since
Lex is not an alumnus. Lex answers, "Call it a thank you". Reynolds
wonders what Lex wants in return, knowing that it's the way things work
with the Luthors.
Lana comes to see Clark, to show him an envelope that Lex sent her with
information about the man on the photo. She hasn't opened it yet, she is
worried she won't like what she finds. Meanwhile, Clark tells her that he
realizes he can't do anything about his father's past with his granddad,
but he has a plan for the future. Clark goes to visit his grandfather at
the motel and finds him packing. Clark explains he wants to start a
relationship with William. He brought along a small family album, to show
William his family the way he sees it, more than just old arguments and
overdue bills. William doesn't really answer, and just gives the check to
Clark to give to Martha. Clark gets very upset and doesn't understand how
William cannot be interested in his family.
Clark gives Martha the check from her father. He tells his parents he
went to see his granddad, and was told that William tried to get involved
in Clark's life after the adoption but Jonathan wouldn't let him.
Jonathan explains to him that, as a little boy, Clark wasn't able to
control his abilities as well, and if William had spent any time with
them, he would have found out Clark's secret. Since William had disagreed
with them on so many things, they weren't sure how he would react when
finding out about Clark's abilities. Clark suddenly gets very sad and
upset, realizing that William may not be in their lives because of Clark.
Lana visits Clark in his loft, and sees him working on his essay. She
asks him jokingly where he's gonna be in five years, and he tells her he
will be in college, studying journalism. He explains that he likes to
find out the truth behind things and doesn't like secrets. In his
personal life, he says, he will try and find a way to start a
relationship with his grandfather. Lana tells him about what was in the
file that Lex sent about her parents. Apparently, Laura and Lewis Lang
filed for divorce, due to irreconcilable differences, in 1985. Although
they did, eventually, work it out, they were legally separated for over a
year. Lana realizes that the guy in the picture could actually be her
mother's boyfriend. She also knows that she was born right after her
parents got back together, which means that, technically, her father
could still be alive.
All detailed descriptions © Copyright 2000-2008- All Rights Reserved
Notes:This episode was produced during the Season 1 production
period. They do some tricky stuff like dub in Martha saying she works for
Lionel when you can't see her face, because of course she didn't work for
him at the point this was filmed in the first season. It also seems that
Lana and Clark are a lot more comfy then the last couple of episodes
before this would suggest. And they also kinda played down Clark's use of
his powers in front of Pete (although it looks like there was some
creative dubbing there to play things down too).
The visual of Chrissy staring into the mirror cube is
strikingly similar to the appearance of the Phantom Zone in the first two
Superman movies and the Supergirl movie.
Chloe makes a reference to Piper High in Florida. Real
high school located in Sunrise, Fl.
Coast City, the one-time home of Green Lantern, gets a
mention here. It was destroyed by Mongul and Cyborg, who are enemies of
an adult Superman in the comics.
Despite the use of the second-season credits with John
Glover, Lionel Luther doesn't appear in this episode.
Where did Chrissy get her power?? It can't be from the
meteor shower, she had this power for over 100 years! (editor's note:
like Ryan, she presumably is just a "metahuman", as they call them over
on Birds of Prey).
Clark uses his powers to swim really fast over to the
drowning competitor, in full view of everyone concerned. He was in a very
clean pool, it's not like they couldn't see him.
Just because Clark can blur-speed, doesn't mean he can
swim fast. It's against the laws of physics to move as fast in H20 as in
air. In order for Clark to move as quickly as he did, he would have to
stir up a LOT of water.
You can see those light reflector things in the
reflection of Lex's sunglasses when he's talking to Principal Reynolds.
They're the huge white squares.
Note that Clark has lost his tan since last week's
episode...because of course, this episode was filmed last year when Tom
Welling didn't have a tan.
Why does Chrissy suck Turner dry in public, in front of
witnesses? Okay, her power isn't obvious and apparently there's some kind
of delayed reaction. Still, she seems to be deliberately sneaky with
Russell later. Also, her power works instantly on her second victim, but
takes a few minutes on her first one.
Nell's boyfriend is noticeably absent because, once
again, this is a first season element before they introduced that subplot
in the second season.
What happened to the other principal we saw in "Red",
played by Daryl Shuttleworth?
Who the heck put their yearbook online back in 1990? And
yet Chloe looks up the Florida school's yearbook and Chrissy's picture.
Do schools upload their old yearbooks to the Internet these days?
Clark says that his grandfather told him he wanted to get
involved in his life, but Jonathan and Martha wouldn't let him. Ummm,
when did he say that? There was no such dialogue in the hotel room
between Clark and his grandfather - did they have another meeting later?
So why can't Clark have a relationship with his
grandfather? Jonathan says they didn't originally because he couldn't
control his powers when younger. But Clark's fine now. Or is Jonathan
just making excuses?
All regulation pools for high school swimming are at
least 25 yards. Some contributor's thought it wasn't that long.
Principal Reynolds mentions how Clark doesn't really have
any after school activities, but on the Official Smallville High School
Newspaper website, they list Clark as being in Philosophy Club, Astronomy
Club (editor's note: in-joke of sorts), Key Club (probably another
in-joke, given the spaceship key, and Computer Club. Go to:,
click on Student Directory, then click on Clark Kent to view this.
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Season Three -
Season Four -
Season Five -
Season Six - Season Seven
Season Eight
Season Two:
Vortex -
Heat - Duplicity -
Red - Nocturne -
Lineage -
Ryan - Dichotic -
Skinwalkers -
Visage - Insurgence -
Suspect - Rush -
Prodigal - Fever -
Rosetta - Visitor
- Precipice -
Witness - Accelerate -
Calling - Exodus
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