The CW's Official Description:
After one of Clark's (Tom Welling) friends discover the
spaceship in the cornfield, Clark goes against his parents' (John Schneider,
Annette O'Toole) wishes and reveals his secret, but is shocked when the reaction
he gets makes him question his friend's loyalty.
Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Sam Jones III, Allison Mack and John Glover
also star. Steve Miner directed the episode written by Todd Slavkin & Darren
Detailed Description:
Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) calls Doctor Hamilton (Joe Morton) to
the mansion to tell him that he's hearing that Cadmus Lab employees are
unhappy with Hamilton and his people management skills. In fact, Cadmus
is being threatened with lawsuits for mismanagement. We see that Hamilton
is ill, sweating and with uncontrollable spasms in his left arm. Lex
wants Hamilton to go see a doctor and that their business relationship is
over. Hamilton tells Lex that he needs Hamilton more than he knows and is
too blind to see it.
Ray Wallace (Andrew Jackson) is driving his truck at night and is a
little distracted. Coming in the opposite direction is Hamilton,
extremely agitated, with shakes in his left arm and looking for his
pills. The pills drop on the floor, and Hamilton starts searching for
them and completely forgets to look at the road. Ray realizes at the last
minute what is about to happen. He tries to sway away from Hamilton, but
is propelled off the road and into the field. Hamilton hit the brakes,
and witnesses Ray's crash. Petrified, he drives away, just as Pete Ross (Sam
Jones III) approaches the scene of the accident. Pete goes into the
field to search for Ray, who is stuck in his truck. When Pete gets there,
he finds Ray starring intensely at something in front of him: the
spaceship is lying in the field.
The following day, Pete picks Clark Kent (Tom
Welling) up to show him the ship in the field. Pete lied to the
sheriff the night before about the location of the accident to buy
himself time to come back and take the ship. Clark and Pete argue over
whose home the ship should be hidden in.
Meanwhile, Lionel Luthor (John Glover),
still blind from his accident, arrives at the Luthor mansion. He claims
to have been told my the doctors to go rest and take a break from
therapy. He decided to come and spend some time with Lex. Lex is confused
about his father's new attitude.
Lana Lang (Kristin Kreuk) gets sick
of watching the love fest between Aunt Nell (Sarah-Jane
Redmond) and her fiancé Dean (Michael Kopsa) as they sit at The
Talon. Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack)
shows up and covers for Lana's whereabouts the previous night. Lana
confesses to Chloe that she needed to get away and had told her aunt she
was staying at Chloe's. In fact, she slept at The Talon. Chloe told Lana
that next time, she's more than welcome to stay at the Sullivan house.
Clark convinces Pete not to tell anyone about the ship until they know
more. Jonathan Kent (John Schneider)
proposes to steal it from Pete's. Clark wants to tell Pete, but Martha
Kent (Annette O'Toole) convinces
him that Pete may not be ready to take responsibility for knowing so much
Hamilton has an insider friend at the hospital who tells him Ray's room
number. Hamilton confronts Ray about the ship. Ray just tells him about
Pete saving him, and then recognizes Hamilton as the driver who drove him
off the road. Ray tries calling for help, but Hamilton kills him.
Clark and Jonathan go to Pete's house at night to take the ship. But the
ship has gone. Pete, standing on his front porch, watches them drive away
in their pickup. The next morning, Pete shows up at Clark's, upset, and
tells Clark that he saw him and his father at his house the night before.
Pete thinks that Clark took the ship and is very disappointed in Clark's
lack of friendship. He drives off to go tell Chloe about the ship. Clark
realizes that he has to tell Pete the truth. As Pete drives off, he sees
Clark in his rear view mirror, and the suddenly Clark disappears and
reappears in front of his moving car. Clark leans on the front of the car
and stops its motion. "Pete, we need to talk", he says. Pete finds it
hard to understand. He feels betrayed because he wasn't told sooner. He
feels hurt that Clark didn't trust him with such important information
about his identity.
Dr. Hamilton is the one who stole the ship. In his lab, he is looking at
it, and realizes that the octagonal disk fits into it. He rushes over to
the Luthor mansion and demands Lex give him the disk. Lex doesn't have
it, he tries to explain to Hamilton that it must have blown away during
the storm. Hamilton runs out of Lex's office and runs into Lionel on his
way out. Lionel is interested in what Hamilton has to say, and wants to
see the ship. He may consider funding Hamilton's research.
Pete yells at Clark in school, telling him that he lied about everything,
all their lives. Chloe shows up and wants an interview with Pete about
how he saved Ray. She says Ray talked about a ship, can Pete confirm
this? Pete says yes, that there is a ship and that Clark is an alien.
Chloe thinks he's joking, and Clark is relieved that she did not take
Pete seriously.
Lex tells Clark about Lionel and how he doesn't trust his intentions.
Clark suggests he gives Lionel a second chance. Lex says that once
someone deceives him, he finds it hard to give them a second chance. He
also tells Clark about not being able to find the octagonal key. Lionel
touches the ship but is skeptical that this is actual a real ship.
Hamilton makes him feel the slot for the key. Lionel tells him to find
the key and that he will then fund his research.
Lana tells Clark she and Whitney Fordman (Eric
Johnson) broke up after she told him how she felt. Clark tells her
that he fought with Pete, but won't tell her what about. She complains
that he has too many secrets, and that hiding the truth only keeps people
apart. That makes Lana decide that she will tell Nell how she feels about
Pete finds Hamilton in the Ross barn, looking for the key. Pete nearly
slips up about knowing who the ship belongs to. Hamilton wants to know,
but Pete won't say, so Hamilton knocks Pete out. Clark tells his parents
that he told Pete the truth. They get a call from Pete's mom, Pete is
Lana and Nell have a heart to heart. Dean has asked Nell to marry him,
and she said yes. Nell wants all three of them to spend more time
together. This upsets Lana.
Pete is being held captive by Hamilton at Cadmus Labs. Hamilton's hand is
out of control. The doctor tells Pete he's dying and he has something to
prove before he dies.
Lex confronts Lionel, telling him that he knows that the doctors have no
knowledge of Lionel's whereabouts. He finds Lionel doing research on
meteor rocks. Lex also tells his father that he is surprised that only
his eyesight is still gone, every other injury of Lionel's is improving
quickly. Lionel responds by explaining that he was tired of being treated
like an object by all the doctors. Lex inquires about his newfound
relationship with Dr. Hamilton. He tells Lionel that Hamilton is sick and
deranged. "Never underestimate the value of eccentrics and lunatics, Lex,
every Arthur needs his Merlin", says Lionel. Lionel tells his son that he
shouldn't have terminated Hamilton's contract. He realizes that Lex
doesn't know that Hamilton has the ship in Cadmus Labs.
Chloe finds out that Hamilton visited Ray before he died, and that since
Pete saved Ray, Hamilton must be holding Pete. Hamilton wants to inject
Pete with meteor juice. He explains that his own spasms are from
prolonged exposure to the rocks. Although scared, Pete is brave enough to
rather die than reveal what he knows. Clark arrives in time, but is
weakened by the presence of meteors. Pete in turn saves Clark, while
Hamilton, in a final superspeed spasm, dies of over-exposure to the
Pete apologizes for not understanding Clark's dilemma. He's impressed
that Clark still tried to save Hamilton even though Hamilton was trying
to uncover his secret. Jonathan gives Pete a pet talk about the huge
responsibility of knowing this secret. Clark says that it's his father's
way of saying "welcome to the family". Clark is happy he now has his
bestfriend to watch his back. They take the ship back to the Kent barn.
Lex and Lionel show up at Cadmus Labs, but the ship is gone. Lionel still
wants to stay back in Smallville, he says it is to spend more time with
Lex, but that's doubtful.
In a final scene, Pete and Clark are shooting hoops at the Kent Farm.
Pete asks, "What about this x-ray deal? You're telling me, never once
have you looked in a girl's locker room?".
Clark: "Well, maybe once".
Pete: "That's my boy".
All detailed descriptions © Copyright 2000-2008- All Rights Reserved
Presumably the last episode to feature Joe Morton as Dr.
Hamilton (but see below).
Hamilton seemed to be suffering from the same
kryptonite-induced disease that affected Earl Jenkins in the episode "Jitters".
Rating: 6.5/9
Once again Clark is out using his powers where anyone
could see him (and Pete almost does).
Clark was talking to Chloe as they were walking to Smallville High's
front entrance and then Clark superspeed away when he figured out that
Dr. Hamilton might have kidnapped Pete. Wasn't he thinking before he did
this? I mean it was broad daylight and dozens of his schoolmates were
outside nearby. Don't ya think they would have noticed him zipping away,
or at least noticed him being there, then suddenly disappearing?
(editor's note: several other contributors such as Undeclared noticed
this as well - the novel "Strange Visitors" also has Clark doing this in
a classroom. The impression there seems to be that unless someone is
looking directly at Clark when he starts or stops, he pretty much moves
so fast as to be invisible. Besides, these are self-centered 21st century
high-school students. :)
When did the Kents get a new truck? The last one was
destroyed last year in "Tempest" - how much money do they have? (some
contributors thought insurance, but that implies an insurance
investigation, which would turn up the explosives, and who started the
ignition to activate the explosives and how they survived, and raises
some issues the Kents wouldn't want to go into. Note later, in 'Ryan',
they are very reluctant to draw official scrutiny.)
It's unlikely that the spaceship would have been left out
in a farmer's crop field untouched for an entire summer.
Chloe shows Clark the hospital visitor log because it
shows that Ray Wallace was visited by Dr. Hamilton. Considering
Hamilton's sneaky motives and the fact that he bribed his way into Ray's
room why would he be dumb enough to let himself be put on a hospital
visitor log. (some contributors thought he may not have had a choice)
Pete needed Clark's help to move the ship. And yet
somehow Dr. Hamilton moves the ship from Pete's place to his. He's
probably stronger, but his jittering left hand seems to make it very
difficult to do coordinated physical activity or operate machinery. So
how did he move the ship by himself? (some thought that Hamilton might
have had boosted strength like Jenkins did. And later in "Lineage" we see
that Jonathan could move the ship by himself. So it's remotely possible,
but still doesn't seem like Hamilton had much control.)
When Dr. Hamilton "dies" Pete goes up to him to help and
comes back to Clark saying "He's dead. Let's go." How does Pete know he's
dead just by looking? (some contributors thought that he was just telling
Clark that to get them out of there.)
When the Luthors went to Hamilton's barn to see the ship,
we the audience see that Hamilton's body isn't is he really
dead? (editor's note: or did Clark and Pete ditch the body somewhere...?)
(some contributors such as c_jones thought Lex might have disposed of the
body, or that it vibrated itself out of existence (?), or simply that he
wasn't not quite dead yet and fled for a future appearance)
When Dr. Hamilton gets pushed into the table, the bottle of green meteor
fluid get thrown off it. Yet the next bit shows the bottle still on the
table and dripping onto Hamilton's forehead.
Season One -
Season Three -
Season Four -
Season Five -
Season Six - Season Seven
Season Eight
Season Two:
Vortex -
Heat - Red - Nocturne -
Redux - Lineage -
Ryan - Dichotic -
Skinwalkers -
Visage - Insurgence -
Suspect - Rush -
Prodigal - Fever -
Rosetta - Visitor
- Precipice -
Witness - Accelerate -
Calling - Exodus
Picture from Screencap
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