Passions Winners & Losers
Winners & Losers by Michele and Cheryl
6/6/05 - 6/10/05
Best Moment:
We are so glad that Sheridan and Luis finally know the truth
about Marty being hers. We were so sick of hearing them have the
same conversation over and over again.
Runner up:
Ned and Fancy were finally going back to Harmony. Their scenes
were so boring. We hope that their scenes get better once they are
back with their families.
Worst Moment:
Ethan tried to say that he knew he was with Theresa when she
raped him. That was the worst thing that happened all week. We all
know that he was clearly calling her Gwen, but now we're supposed
to forget about that. Now the writers want to make up for what the
queen did by having him know he was with Theresa.
Runners up:
Watching Ethan express his love for Theresa sickened us. We
know that Ethan and Theresa fans love this, but we didn't. It was
As we mentioned in the rants section, Katherine was getting on
our nerves this week. It took so long to reveal the reason why
Martin left that we didn't even care anymore. We just know that it
will require a complete rewrite of the story.
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