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This is just an unofficial fan page, we have no connection to Passions or NBC.


Passions Soap Links

We need more daytime recap/update writers, article writers, MS Frontpage and Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so please email us if you can help out!  More volunteers always needed!  Thanks!

Don't forget to visit our own Passions Site!

Help wanted!  Are you a big daytime soap fan and has some free time?  If so then we could use your help!  We are looking for volunteers to help check and find links, work with other volunteers, promote the page, work in FrontPage, etc.  Email us!

Add Your Passions Link!                                              Links checked 11/26/14 by Michele and Cheryl 

Official Sites

Please note: Anyone can put up a web site, or a blog, or Twitter account or Facebook page and claim to be a celebrity. We try to only put sites we are fairly sure are that person, but we don't claim to be perfect! So just please be aware of that when visiting these pages...

NBC: Passions

The Official Andrea Evans Web Site
Site for the actress who played Rebecca.

Rachel G. Fox
Official site of the actress who played Older Jane.

Galen Gering on Twitter
If you join Twitter, add Galen (Luis) and read what he says on his tweets.

Sammi Hanratti
Official site of the actress who played Adele.

Lindsay Hartley on Twitter
You can follow Lindsay Hartley (Theresa) on Twitter and read her updates.

Piper Mackenzie Harris
The official website of the actress who played the Good Little Witch.

Liza Huber on Twitter
You can follow Liza Huber on Twitter and read her updates.

Eric Martsolf on Twitter
You can follow Eric Martsolf (Ethan) on Twitter and check out all of his updates.

The Official Website of Eric Martsolf
Official site for the actor who plays Ethan. Also, here's his Official MySpace Music Page.

Kelli McCarty's Official Site
The official page for the actress who played Beth. He page is under construction.

Drew Osborne
Resume of the actor who played the older Lil Ethan.

Chrystee Pharris's Official Website
The official page for the actress who played Simone

McKenzie Westmore on Twitter
You can follow McKenzie Westmore (Sheridan) and check out all of her latest tweets.

McKenzie Westmore's Official Site
The official page for the actress who played Sheridan. Also, here's her official Twitter Page!

J.K.O. - Jack Krizmanich Online
The official site for the actor who played John.  Hasn't been updated in a long time.

Jesse Metcalfe
Twitter page for the actor who played Miguel.

Sky McDougall's Website
Cool link to the actor who played the Passions Vendetta Monk!  There are pics and videos and stuff.

Donn Swaby's Official Web Site
Site for the actor who played Chad.

General Passions Pages

CHECK OUT OUR PARTNER SITE! Buddy TV One Life to Live Site
Articles, news, and a lot more!'s Passions site

All Soap Scoops
Weekly opinions, scoops, rumors, news, spoilers, links and much more for soap opera fans! This site is dealing with technical difficulties.

Buddy TV Passions Site
Articles, news, and a lot more!

Coffeerooms Community for Women
A message board for all daytime soaps, some nighttime shows, books, etc.  

Days is Our Passion
Message board for Days and Passions

Daytime Dolls
Internet TV Show. Hosts Sammy and Sue look at all the news in Passions plus other major daytime soaps.

Dustin's Passions Page
From Keeping up with passions, Fun stuff, Photo gallery and summaries - this page has it all! 

A "Passions" website with news, previews, features, fanlistings and more!

A message board dedicated to Passions as well as other soaps.

Gin's Passions
A fan site all about the soap Passions.

Harmony's Passions
Has: Fan Fic, Previews, News, and lots on Couples!  

Jen's Passions Page
Over 345 shuis fanfics, spoilers, news, exclusive pics, games and much more!

Jess' Passions Page
Come and visit my page! Pics, Spoilers, Cast/Character Biographies, Adoptions, Miguel's Diary, Art A La, Love Children, Boogie Nights, Music, Postcards, Maps, Music and much, much MORE! It hasn't been updated in a long time. Site hasn't been updated, but it still has pics.

My Future Passions Page
A page about the future of passions! The teens are grown up and now have teens of their own!

My Passions Page
Want all the info you need on Passions? You've come to the right spot. This site has spoilers, weekly recaps, video clips, picture gallery, and much much more

Myspace NBC Daytime
It's a blog about Passions as well as Days of Our Lives

NBC's Passions RPG House
A site for people who are in my rpg Yahoo club For The show Passions

OpenHere-Life and Society, Television
Links to Passions on the web

The Original Passion Group on Yahoo
This is the first group/club that was started on yahoo. We are over have over 1,000 members who love to discuss Passions. Drop in & see if you like this group.

The #1 place for ALL Passions fans! We just started it about a month ago and we are on the way to being the biggest Passions message board out there! We have everything for your Passions needs as well all the latest on other soap and other
primetime shows! One of the most active Passions board around!

It's a board for Passions and Days fans

Passions Central 
This page has everything for passions fans! If you want something about Harmony ??? Check it out it's here!

Passions For Life
Daily Recaps. Passion's a day ahead. Soap Magazine pics and article posted weekly. Nightly chats and a members forum. Home of the Passions Pulse and the Hourglass Diaries. 

Passionately Yours
An irreverent daily blog about the weird goings-on in Harmony.

Passions Message Board: Crane Mansion
On this message board you can talk and ask questions and you can also find the latest spoilers for all your favorite soaps. :)

Passions Page
A msn group for fans of the soap Passions.

Passions Paradise 2001
this is my web site dedicated to PASSIONS!

Passions Soap Talk Network
A site dedicated to soaps (mainly Passions). It has forums, news, fanfics, games, trivia, photos, etc.  You have to be a member to check out some of the things on this site

PS (Passions) Online
Featuring articles, post cards, opinions, recaps and much more. Run by Soap Central

Shrine to the Soap Hunks of Passions
Lots of great photos.

Soap News and Scoops
A message board for Passions as well as other soaps

Soap Opera Network
A site dedicated to all soaps.  It features news, columns, forums, links and even primetime shows.
This webpage has a message board, pictures, cast lists, etc. for Passions.

Spongebobbi's Passions
A message board for the show Passions.

TV Guide Online
Great site with news, daily recaps, and a lot more

US Internet Movie Database 
Passions Cast List From The Beginning 

Whitney is my Passion
Site for Passions, mostly Whitney Russell (Brooke Kerr)-Under Construction 

The online encyclopedia's page for Passions.

Fan Pages for Characters/Actors

Justin Hartley

Justin Hartley [Dot] Net
This is a fan site for Justin Hartley (Fox). You can read up on all of the things that he's doing.

Follow Justin Hartley [Dot] Net on Twitter
You can follow the fan site for Justin Hartley (Fox) on Twitter to get up-to-date info on the latest things that Justin Hartley is doing.

Kay and Miguel

Always & Forever Bonded: Kayguel Message Board
Is a message board for all true Kay and Miguel fans. It includes; discussion, pictures, Spoilers, Fan Fiction and more.

Destined to be Together- a Kay and Miguel fan site~
A site all about the amazing couple Kay Bennett and Miguel Lopez Fitzgerald. Pictures, fan fiction, links, daily updates, spoilers, fan art, charity bashing, petitions, message boards, profiles, opinions and MUCH MORE! Still updated! ~2003! Check it out!

Kaguel: Don't Let Me Go
The Kaguel Message Board has all Kaguel chat, Fan Fiction by the fans, Games, Charity bashing, pictures etc.

Theresa and Ethan

Fated Passions
Website for Therethan & Foxney fans!

Passion for Theresa/Ethan
On this site you can find almost EVERYTHING here about Theresa and Ethan (Passions hottest couple) Fan-Fic, pictures, Graphics, poetry, music, rumors, news, etc...........

Therethan Board
It's a message board for Theresa and Ethan. You can talk about the couple as well as Theresa's kids.

Ethan and Theresa Message Board
A board dedicated to Ethan and Theresa.

Fox and Theresa

Fox and Theresa Forever
A site dedicated to Fox and Theresa.

Fox and Theresa: The One And Only Supercouple
Message Board for all Theresa and Fox fans!!

Fox and Kay

Fox&Kay: The Next Couple
Message Board for all Fox and Kay fans. Includes discussion, pictures, games etc.

Foxay Board
It's a board dedicated to Fox and Kay

Soul Mates
A message board dedicated to Fox and Kay


Eric Martsolf's Music MySpace page
Listen to Eric Martsolf's Music


Enchanting Moments Message board
This is a message board dedicated to the character of Gwen.

Liza Huber Fan Site
A site dedicated to the actress Liza Huber

Gwen Winthrop Fans Message Board
A message board dedicated to Gwen.

Sheridan and Luis

The Daily Passions Board
A board dedicated to Sheridan and Luis. You can check out pics, rumors, spoilers, etc.

Shuis Soulmates
Shuis board and tons of other Passions related subjects.


All Passions Couples
It includes all the current, past, and potential couples on Passions. Everyone is welcome!

Justin Hartley Gallery
A gallery of Justin Hartley's photos

Surrender: A Foxney Site
A Site fully dedicated to the pairing of Fox Crane and Whitney Russell

Tiffany's Passions & Sam-n-Ivy Page
This site is brand spanking new~has the latest spoilers, a great savvy section, pics, and much more. Check it out!

Theresa & Gwen: Bitter Enemies OR Best Friends
This is just the place for all fans and haters of Theresa and Gwen. You talk Pro talk and Anti talk about them and many more things. It's the most friendly Gwen and Theresa place to be.

Passions Most Hated Characters
This message board is about the most popular talked about Passions characters. There's a high change that the one you hate the most will be there. Please join.

Lena Cardwell (ex-Simone)

Lena Cardwell 2001
Lena Cardwell 2001 is the first fully featured website on actress, singer, and songwriter Lena Cardwell.

Lena's Lounge
A fan site dedicated to actress/singer Lena Cardwell.


Jesse Metcalfe Fan Appreciation Page
Fan page dedicated to the actor who played Miguel.

Passions merchandise - Shop NBC!

Links to Other TV Sites

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Buy Soap Magazines
Go here for great news & scoops, photos and in-depth articles!

Soap Opera Digest
Soap Opera Digest cover

Updated 11/26/14



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