Passions Winners & Losers
Winners & Losers by Michele and Cheryl
4/4 - 4/8/05
Whitney's story: This story was pretty good this week. We got
to see a side of Chad that we haven't seen before. We got to see
him lash out at Whitney. When he found out that she wanted to give
her baby up for adoption, he let her have it. This could be the
closure he needs to get over the idea of being with his sister.
Anywho, after Chad let Whitney have it, she gave it right back to
him. She practically told him where to go and how to get there
when he judged her for giving up her baby. She didn't really have
a nerve to say something since she's keeping him in the dark about
his son, but she didn't take Chad's rantings lying down.
We liked how Whitney broke down to Theresa for giving up her
baby. We weren't sure if she was even going to care one way or the
other about the baby. She seemed so determined to get rid of the
baby. It's good to know that she didn't have a heart of glass and
regretted giving up her baby. (8/10)
Crane Compound: Those scenes were okay. Well Fox and Alistair
made the scenes better. Alistair tortured Katherine (which she
deserved). He treated her like a hooker and she asked for it. If
Katherine would stop fighting Alistair, he probably wouldn't be so
Fox acting like a baby Alistair was pretty good. It seemed like
it came naturally to him. We knew ahead of time that he was acting
like a bad boy in order to trick Alistair, but it was fun to watch
while it lasted. (7/10)
Shuis/Beth: Their story was okay. The start of it was annoying
because Sheridan was the helpless little victim as usual. She was
holding her own up against Beth, but the second she tried to stop
Beth from taking Marty back, Beth knocked her out with one punch.
When Luis saw Sheridan, he naturally rushed to her aide. It was
funny when he blamed Beth for what happened to Sheridan. Beth just
knew she won Luis over with her helpless act, but he could care
less. When her act didn't work, she had to use guilt. Before that
had a chance to work, Luis rushed back to Sheridan when she woke
The best part of the story was Sheridan figuring out that Beth
was the one who kidnapped her baby. Beth made the mistake of
calling her a stupid blonde and it triggered her memory. Hopefully
this won't be a letdown as usual when it comes to Beth getting
caught (6/10)
Jessica: This girl is so hard headed. What would possess her to
go out again after what happened to her? She must not have been
attacked enough that she would want to go through it again. (1/10)
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