Passions Winners & Losers #84 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Winners & Losers

Winners & Losers by Michele and Cheryl

2/21 - 2/25/05

Overall, the stories weren't too bad this week.  Actually, most of them were good.  Of course, there was going to be a bad apple in the bunch that kept this week from being very good.  You'll find out what we mean soon enough.

Foxney/Chad:  Their story was okay.  There was a lot of interaction among the characters in the story.  We were also treated to some rare Juvy and Fox scenes.  Julian even took Fox's side when Chad declared his love for Whitney.  That was really surprising considering Julian usually takes Chad's side.  The acting was pretty good except for Chad.  He still doesn't play the part really well so that helped keep this story from getting a higher score. 7/10

Ethan/Theresa/Gwen:  This story was pretty much the same as it has been for weeks.  The best part about it this week was watching Rebecca go off on Ethan and Theresa.  Thank goodness for Rebecca because someone has to let Ethan and Theresa now that they are not perfect.  The acting in the story was pretty much what saved it from getting a lower score.  WE are getting sick of seeing the same scenes every week so it's good that the majority of the acting is good.  What we like about the story is that it's an umbrella story.  It doesn't just center around Ethan, Gwen, and Theresa. 7/10

Shuis:  Words just can't begin to describe how frustrated we are with this story.  Sheridan has really angered us and she has doubting our support for Shuis.  That is hard for us to admit since we are Shuis fans.  Their acting was good, but it was heartbreaking to see Sheridan rip into Luis the way she did.  McKenzie and Galen did a good job of convincing us that things aren't looking good for them.  As angry as we are that they could be breaking up, their scenes were good.  We usually rate scenes by how much we are screaming at the TV.  This story did a good job with that. 8/10

Jessica:  Her scenes were so incredibly boring. We really don't care for her scenes.  The acting in it was very bad.  No offense to the actress, but she is not convincing whatsoever as a bad girl.  Maybe the writers should recast her or just write the character off the show because Danica Stewart just can't play the role right.  Her story ruined what was a pretty good week.  Thank goodness the other stories carry the show and not Jessica's story. 1/10

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