Passions Winners & Losers #72 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Winners & Losers

Winners & Losers by Michele and Cheryl

11/15 - 11/19/04


Sheridan:  We love how she ripped into Katherine about stealing Martin away from Pilar.  We were waiting for Sheridan to slap her.  We know we were asking for too much, but we wanted to see it anyway. (9/10)

Sheridan/Katherine:  Even though we liked how Sheridan ripped Katherine a new one.  We didn't like how the focus shifted to Sheridan's pain of being lied to.  We shouldn't have had to see how Sheridan was dealing with Katherine's lie.  We should have seen what Pilar was going through. (1/10)

Pilar/KMart:  We loved the way Pilar barked at KMart when Sheridan left.  We got the chance to see how the news affected Pilar.  Eva did a good job again. (9/10)

Sam/Ivy:  The writers really downplay them.  All they did was sit and talk about Theresa and the baby.  Why couldn't they have a story of their own?  It was good to see them together, but they were wasted. (5/10)


Ethan:  He is just as bad as Theresa when it concerns lies.  When he was massaging Theresa, he stopped abruptly when Gwen walked in the room.  He must have known what he was doing was wrong, so why did he massage Theresa?  Why didn't he just tell her he was massaging her? (1/10)

Pilar:  She did another good job with KMart.  She also did  a good job with Paloma. (9/10)

Paloma:  She was a light switch with Martin.  One minute she was mad at him and the next she was defending him.  Since we were two-sided about the situation, we'll give her scenes a middle score. (5/10)

Theresa:  This girl sounded psychotic when she told Ethan that they were going to be together.  She also sounded crazy when she said that she knew she was carrying her baby. (1/10)


Luis:  We practically cheered Luis on when he yelled at Katherine.  It's practically therapeutic because we get tired of yelling at her through the TV.  He's giving us a break. LOL! (10/10)

Paloma:  Did anyone else want to slap her every time she defended KMart?  We had to have self-control because we were ready to strangle a pillow. (1/10)

TC/Liz:  They are such despicable jerks. TC was such a monster to Eve.  All she wanted to do was talk to him and he had to be a jerk.  Don't even get us started on Liz.  Eve needed to slap the p*ss out of her.  She had nothing to lose. (1/10)

Sheridan:  We couldn't believe what we were seeing.  She defended Katherine.  We recall that she was calling her a b*tch or a wh*re herself.  Now all of a sudden, Luis was being too hard on her. (1/10)

Eve:  We liked how she stood up to TC and that witch Liz.  We liked how she told him about changing and how she made mistakes.  We would have liked the scenes better if Liz wasn't in the scene. (8/10)

Ethan:  He finally stood up to Theresa.  He even mentioned that "fate" destroyed lives.  Of course it was like talking into a dead phone, but it was still worth it. (8/10)


Paloma:  Was anyone else ready to smack her?  She acted like such a baby in this episode.  It's hard to believe that she's supposed to be a teenager. (1/10)

The scenes at the cottage:  Despite how much of a spoiled brat Paloma was being, we liked the scenes at the cottage.  They were pretty much the best scenes today.  There was more going on in those scenes than with the Russells/Julian/Liz. (10/10)

Eve/Julian/TC/Liz:  Their scenes did not really hold our interest that much.  The same thing happened that usually happens, except for when the couples hit the sheets.  Eve cried on Julian's shoulder and Liz manipulated TC.  What's new with that? (4/10)


Pilar:  We felt sorry for her when she was crying to Luis about what Martin did to her.  She's not the one who should be beating herself up about what happened.  Those pieces of garbage KMart should be doing that. (9/10)

Sheridan:  This girl is really turning into a turncoat.  Why would she apologize to Katherine after everything she did to Pilar?  She had nothing to apologize for.  If there was a lower score than one, we would have given it to her. (1/10)

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