Passions Winners & Losers #49 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Winners & Losers

Winners & Losers by Michele and Cheryl

4/19 - 4/23/04


Sheridan: She finally showed that she cared about Luis this week.  Antonio shot at him and she was worried.  It's too bad that she couldn't show this side more often.

Gwen: She ripped into Whitney for defending Theresa to her.  She had every right to yell at Whitney because the last thing she wanted to hear was that Theresa should get her son back. Liza's acting was really good during those scenes.

Whitney: She is a winner and a loser.  We are two-sided about her.  WE think that she was right to think that Theresa was wrong to go through with her plan.  We also think that she should have talked to Theresa first before going to Gwen and telling her what Theresa did.  Whitney is Theresa's best friend so she shouldn't sell her out to Gwen.  Then again, since Theresa is doing a despicable thing, she should have said something about it.  See, we told you we were two-sided. LOL!


Fox: He was stupid enough to help Theresa with her plan.  He also had the nerve to try and justify her behavior by reminding Whitney about all the things that Gwen and Rebecca did to Theresa.  Two wrongs don't make a right, Fox.

Theresa: She actually had the nerve to make herself the victim of her plan.  She also had the nerve to compare losing little Ethan to Gwen's pain of losing Sarah.  The two are not the same.  Little Ethan is still alive and Sarah isn't.

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