Passions Winners & Losers #7 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Winners & Losers

Winners & Losers by Michele and Cheryl

4/21 - 4/25/03


Gwen:  She confronted Ethan about helping Theresa.  She didn't just walk away from the situation.  She also sympathized with Theresa's problems.  Last week, she showed genuine concern for Theresa and her baby when little Ethan was missing.  She also wanted to divorce Ethan and raise her baby by herself.  Most of the women in Harmony are not willing to be alone so that alone would make her a winner.

Whitney:  She stood up to Eve when she embarrassed her at the Blue Note.  She told Eve that she wasn't going to leave the Blue Note or Chad. She called Eve a hypocrite for getting mad at TC because he forced her to play tennis, but she can stop her from singing.  She finally decided that no one is going to tell her what to do.

Julian: He was willing to help Eve with her problem with Whitney even though Eve was yelling at him and blaming him for Whitney's singing.

Fox:  He tried to stop TC and Chad from fighting in the club.


Liz:  Liz used Whitney as a way to get back at Eve.  When Whitney told her about the way Eve hates singing, she couldn't wait to use it to her advantage. 

Sheridan:  Sheridan knows that someone is trying to kill her, yet she went for a walk by herself.  When she saw how crazy Charlie was, she just stood there listening to her.  When Charlie was ready to stab her, she just stood there screaming.

Luis:  He kept saying that he was worried about Sheridan when he was at Beth's house.  He kept saying that he was going to kill the person that was trying to kill her.  Instead of talking to Beth, he could have been outside looking for her.

Eve:  Eve is just as bad as TC.  She yells at TC for forcing Whitney to play tennis, but she can force Whitney not to sing.  She didn't have to yell at Whitney when she saw her singing.  She could have waited until she was finished and then spoke to her calmly.  She also yelled at Julian when he was only trying to help her with Whitney.  She also couldn't wait to blame Julian for the way her life used to be.  Earlier that day, she said that she didn't blame him for what's happened to her life.

Antonio:  Antonio didn't catch on to the fact that Luis was too concerned about Sheridan.

TC:  He couldn't wait to blame Chad for Whitney being at the Blue Note.  He also couldn't wait to start a fight with him again.

That's all for this week.

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