Passions Winners & Losers #6 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Winners & Losers

Winners & Losers by Michele and Cheryl

The winners and losers for the  week of 4/14 - 4/18/03


Hank:    He is a winner this week because he was the only one who had the sense to investigate the arsonists in Harmony.  He told Luis that Beth isn't the person he should talk to about his situation because Sheridan's the reason why they are not married.  he also thought that Beth could have hired a human nurse to take care of Mrs. Wallace.

Eve:    Eve is a winner because she was able to calm TC down and we know how hard that is.  She also came up with a solution to Chad and Whitney's problem.

Mrs. Wallace:    She finally told Luis that Beth is trying to kill Sheridan.  She continued to tell him even when Beth came back home.


Luis:    He didn't have the sense to investigate the arsonists in Harmony.  He also refused to believe that Beth wanted to kill Sheridan. 

Mrs. Wallace:    She is a loser because she let Beth tell lies about her.  She could have told Luis that Beth was lying, but she didn't.

TC:    He couldn't wait to rub it in to Chad that he was getting away from his daughter.

Ethan:    He just promised Gwen that he wouldn't put Theresa and her son before Gwen and their child, but he couldn't wait to break that promise.

That's all this week.

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