Passions Winners & Losers #16 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Winners & Losers

Winners & Losers by Michele and Cheryl

6/23 - 6/27/03


Fox: He was willing to reach out to Julian and help him with his problems.  Considering Julian was yelling at him, Fox was still willing to listen to him.  He also wanted to try and work out their relationship.  He wanted to start over with Julian.

Grace: She was willing to try and make things work with Sam.  Sam was giving her a hard time about it but she still wanted to make their marriage work.

Sheridan: She finally decided to try and save herself and her baby from the pit.  It didn't do any good but she was at least willing to try and save herself.


TC: He still didn't figure out what Liz was doing when she asked to stay in the garage apartment longer.  He didn't even suggest that she stay at a hotel or the B and B.  He also didn't question why she would buy a club if she didn't have enough money for an apartment.  

Rebecca: She keeps pressuring Gwen about not losing her baby.  She knows that Gwen isn't supposed to be stressed out yet she keeps pressuring her about Theresa stealing Ethan away from her.  What kind of a mother would do that?

Julian: He was not willing to make things right with Fox.  All Fox wanted to do was start over with him, but he wasn't willing to work things out.  He is no different from Alistair when it concerns Fox.

Hank: He lied to Antonio about the story the mayor told Antonio.  He made up how Luis was searching for Beth when the mayor told Antonio how Luis was searching for Sheridan.

Antonio: This man is so clueless.  The mayor practically told him that Sheridan and Luis were together and he still didn't get it.  How many times does he have to be told the truth before he gets it?

Liz: Liz proved how heartless she can be.  She was willing to hurt Whitney just to get back at Eve.  It's one thing to get revenge on Eve but it's another to do it through Whitney and Simone.  This woman is so pathetic.  

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