Passions Top Ten List
Top ten things you will never hear on Passions...
by Shilamc
10. The sweet Charity saying that she wants Miguel dead.
9. I don't like fluffy...(said by Timmy)
8. Simone, Maybe you should let Whitney have a shot at Chad.
7. Maybe I am wrong about the Cranes? ( said by Luis)
6. Julian..You are doing a great job, maybe I should keep you as my heir.
5. Ok Ethan, it is your turn to talk...what do you have to tell me? (said be Gwen)
4. I have to go home now Charity. ( Miguel)
3. Time to wake up for school...( any of the mothers in Harmony)
2. I dont think we should go to the Bennett's House today Timmy (Tabitha)
and the # 1 thing you WILL NOT hear on Passions is.....
1. I don't think I will wear any make-up today.
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