Passions Trivia Quiz
Passions Quiz #2
by ILuVdAgAmE 1) What is the name of Tabithas book?
a) The Harmony Memoirs
b) Hidden Passions
c) Secrets Kept
d) Where's the love
2)What did Hecuba take from Kay?
a) Her favorite Teddy Bear
b) Her school book
c) Her brain
d) Her soul
3) How did Luis and Sheridan meet?
a) Sheridan was at the police station
b) They were always friends when they were little
c) Sheridan crashed into Luis' car
d) Pilar's Birthday party
4)Chad Harris has a crush on
a) Theresa
b) Whitney
c) Simone
d) Kay
5)What is Timmy?
a) A doll
b) A person
c) Tabitha's imaginary friend
d) A scarecrow
6)Whose father fell through the skylight on New Year's Eve?
a) Lopez-Fitzgeralds
b) Russells
c) The Cranes
d) The Bennetts
7)What is the name of Sam and Grace's son?
a) Sam
b) Aaron
c) Ethan
d) Noah
8)When Grace told Sam she was pregnant did he...
a) Pick her up and spin her
b) Knock her out
c) Say "Cool"
d) Cry
9) What is Ivy's maiden name?
a) Hotchkiss
b) Sarmen
c) Winthrop
d) Crastenburg
10)What is Hank to Grace?
a) Son
b) Brother
c) Step-Brother
d) Brother-in-law
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