Passions Moments #78 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Best Moments

12/27 - 12/31/04


The envelopes Theresa and Gwen got said they had to wait for the DNA results.

Sam told Luis about Norma attacking Tabitha.

Whitney and Fox were at the mansion to give little Ethan his present.

The DNA lat was closed when Theresa, Gwen, and Ethan were at the hospital.

Tabitha's powers didn't work when she tried to get rid of Norma.

Sam shot Norma with a tranquilizer gun when she was about to kill Tabitha.

Katherine saw Sheridan when she went to see Alistair.

The lab manager wouldn't go to the hospital to give Gwen and Theresa the DNA results.

Luis showed up at the hospital when Sheridan was talking to Katherine.

Tabitha put a spell on Rebecca so she wouldn't remember that she's a witch.

Chad came back with Whitney's tea while she was kissing Fox.


Liz walked in on Simone while she was talking to herself about her family.

The lab was closed when Gwen and Theresa called.

Julian didn't suspect why Rebecca wants to give him his divorce.

Sheridan wanted Marty to be the ring bearer.

Luis picked Ethan to be his best man.

Edna brought Marty out when Beth said he had a cold.

Sam got beeped so Rebecca was able to look in the files to see what poison was used on Alistair.

Eve was at the Russell house when TC proposed to Liz.

Ethan said that he and Theresa had to go to the hospital in order to get the results.


Martin read about Shuis's wedding in the paper.

Paloma didn't hear KMart say who they are, but she heard how they wanted to go to the wedding.

Rebecca heard Julian say that Eve would be the main suspect if something happened to Liz.

Beth came up with a plan to tell Sheridan who her mother is.

Whitney was at the hospital when Theresa got there.

Eve left her ID on the desk so Rebecca could get it.

When Rebecca thought she was caught for taking Eve's badge, Julian only thought she was trying to hurt Eve.

Whitney ran into Eve when she went for coffee.

Sheridan kept getting interrupted when Beth wanted her to read the card that came with the flowers.

Paloma was able to get KMart to see Shuis get married.

Paloma was able to stop Luis from seeing KMart at the church.

The card that Sheridan read was from Luis.


Father Lonigan showed up at the church when Eve threatened Liz.

Edna showed up in the bridal room before Sheridan could read the card.

Katherine had a feeling that something was going to stop Shuis's wedding.

Sheridan only reacted to a spot on her dress instead of the card.

Julian and Paloma showed up when Beth wanted Sheridan to read the card.

Father Lonigan wanted to break tradition and marry Shuis right away.

Ivy made Ethan stay near Theresa so he was able to see the baby.

A girl interrupted Shuis's wedding because there was an accident.

Sheridan was still holding the card with her bouquet.

Gwen saw Ethan and Theresa with the baby.


TC didn't hear Liz say she was going to destroy Eve's life.  

Shuis/Pilar didn't hear Edna say that Beth planted the card in Sheridan's flowers.

Ethan noticed Gwen watching him with Theresa.

Shuis didn't hear Beth say how she would get Luis.

Liz knocked over Eve's punch so she couldn't drink it.

Luis thought that Alistair sent Sheridan the card about Katherine.

Eve and Liz didn't see Rebecca put the poison in the punch.

Paloma stopped Shuis from seeing KMart.

Eve suddenly kept coughing too much so she needed a drink.

Liz put her drink down next to Eve's so she could wind up drinking the poisoned punch.

Luis interrupted Katherine when Sheridan wanted to know if she was her mother.

Michele and Cheryl

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