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Passions Nitpicks & Flubs

12/3/07 – 12/7/07


Gwen showed Theresa her laptop, but the screen was blank.

Gwen was using a laptop, but she didn’t have one while she was at the hospital.

Theresa ended up with the laptop, but Gwen had it first.

Luis and Pretty have been on the floor, but their backs were not dirty.


The bruises on Pretty’s arm changed.

Vincent was able to come and go in Eve’s room without Julian seeing him.  His face wasn’t even covered so there’s no way he shouldn’t have seen him.

Paloma and Noah stirred up a strong wind in Tabitha’s house, but nothing fell off the shelves in the kitchen.


The door that Esme’s stalker was looking through was open wider in this episode than it was in Tuesday’s episode.

Theresa’s tears appeared and disappeared.

The amount of scotch that Vincent had in the cup kept changing.

Gwen left her laptop open when Ethan showed up in the waiting room, but it was closed when she reached for it.


Tabitha said Norma and Edna left town, but Kay said that they were upstairs.  Which one of them was right?

There were more candles in the hospital chapel than there were earlier in the week.

Edna and Norma were still at Tabitha’s house when Endora was taken, but they didn’t know what happened to her.

Theresa’s tears were pouring down her face one minute and gone the next.



 Michele and Cheryl

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Updated 12/8/07



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