Passions Nitpicks and Flubs 86 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Nitpicks & Flubs

2/20/06 - 2/24/06


This episode was pre-empted.


Continuity error:  Throughout the episode
When did Theresa go back to the mansion and change her clothes and hairstyle when she was eating at the Seascape on Friday?

Nitpick:  2 Minutes
Why did Theresa think that Pilar and Martin would want to have their ceremony at the mansion?

Nitpick:  Throughout the episode
Why did Sheridan just take the mobsters word when they said they would find Marty?  They could have been working for Alistair.

Nitpick:  Throughout the episode
Why did Ivy change her clothes when it's still the same night?

Nitpick:  31 Minutes
Why wouldn't Otto want the guards to check out the noise they heard?  Anyone could have snuck onto the property.


Nitpick:  Throughout Fox/Valerie/Ivy's scenes
How come Ivy had time to hide under the desk?

Nitpick:  Throughout the episode
What time of night was it since Gwen and Ethan were ready for bed, but everyone else was still up?

Nitpick:  Throughout the episode
If Kay was supposed to be helping Fancy, why was she wasting time talking to Theresa?

Nitpick:  Throughout Chris and Sheridan's wedding
Why was Sheridan wearing a white dress when she was married before?

Continuity error:  48 Minutes
Sheridan had a borrowed necklace on when she and Chris got married, but when they got back to the hotel, it was gone.


Nitpick:  Throughout the episode
Why did the writers cast an actor to play Miguel who looks older than Theresa?

Nitpick:  8 Minutes
How come Miguel didn't call Pilar or Martin instead of Kay?

Continuity error:  Throughout Ethan and Gwen's scenes
Where was the playpen that Ethan and Gwen had Jane in?  It was not at the Bed and Breakfast.

Continuity error:  25 Minutes
Ethan and Gwen had a crib at the B & B when they had a playpen.


Nitpick:  Throughout Pilar/Martin/Katherine's scenes
Why didn't Pilar see Katherine's car at her house?  We can assume that she didn't walk there.

Nitpick:  Throughout Noah/Fancy's scenes
It's after midnight in Harmony so why weren't hospital hours over?

Continuity:  Throughout the episode
The bruises on Noah's face were gone.

Michele and Cheryl

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Updated 6/22/07



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