Passions Nitpicks and Flubs 79 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Nitpicks & Flubs

1/2/06 - 1/6/06


Passions didn't air this day.


Nitpick:  First Five Minutes
How did Rachel get out in the hall at the same time on Alistair when he left the library first?

Nitpick:  First 10 Minutes
Why was everyone acting as if they were never in the dark before when the lights went out at the mansion?

Nitpick:  21 Minutes
How come the snow wasn't wet in the ornament if Edna wet herself?

Nitpick:  Throughout the Episode
The water on the floor in the parks department kept changing.

Nitpick:  31 Minutes
Why would Sheridan go outside without a coat on? It was cold and she didn't have sleeves on her dress.


Nitpick:  Throughout the Episode
Why was everyone at the mansion acting as if they all stabbed Alistair?

Plot Hole:  First 10 Minutes
How come everyone had time to meet with Alistair earlier when they were all pretty much together?

Plot Hole:  First 10 Minutes
If Rebecca met with Alistair earlier, why did she wish Gwen a happy new year as if she just saw her for the first time?

Nitpick:  Throughout the Episode
Why was Sam interrogating everyone as if he couldn't have tried to kill Alistair?

Nitpick:  38 Minutes
Why did Katherine ask Sheridan how she was holding up because of Alistair?  Why didn't she ask Julian, Fox, or Fancy?


Nitpick:  Throughout the Episode
Why was Jessica acting as if she wasn't high anymore?

Nitpick:  First Five Minutes
How did Jessica know that Sam suspected everyone of trying to kill Alistair when she was sleep?

Nitpick:  About 30 Minutes
Why did Alistair say Gwen had secrets that Ethan should know about when he only mentioned one secret?


Nitpick:  First Five Minutes
Why was Theresa asking Ethan to choose her over Gwen when she's supposed to stay away from him?

Nitpick:  11 Minutes
How come everyone was able to hear Rachel crying, but they didn't hear her talking?

Continuity Error:  27 Minutes
Pilar was in the kitchen with Theresa one minute, but she was with the others looking for the person who was crying.

Nitpick:  37 Minutes
Why did TC say he doesn't respect Eve when he stopped Liz from insulting her?

Michele and Cheryl

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Updated 6/22/07



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