Passions Nitpicks and Flubs 7 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Nitpicks & Flubs

Here are the nitpicks and flubs Ms. S. E. "Gargy's" Hammond  found this week on Passions:

9/12/05 – 9/16/05

The Kangaroo Court, The 3 ring circus! AKA=Eve's entire trial for 3 counts of attempted murder.

Ethan PLLEEEAAASSSSSEEEEEE!!!! Never practice criminal defensive ever again.

Just dammit why didn't Pilar help push Gwen into the incinerator and then lure Rebecca down to the basement and do the same with her. I could live with myself, I think God would understand.

*BLEEP*, *BLEEP*, *BLEEP*, and *BBBBLLLLLLLLLEEEEEPPPPPPPP* Rebecca is the biggest pervert in Harmony.

And speakin' of which and since Alistair can say "horny" twice within the same week. Then, why can't we get some ultra-hot SImae (Simone + Rae = Simae) Love Scene?

"Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Alllllllivvvvvvveeeeeeee!!"-'Welcome back to Studio54 Mr. Crane and Ms. Johnson.......' Noah says as they step up to the bar. (NOTE: If, you have not already done so, I recommend that you run out and pick-up your copy and read Hidden Passions by Tabitha Lenox)

Grace Nancier, need I say anymore? I didn't think so.

I got an idea JERk Boy, why don't we just forego all clothing all together while at work as a personal assistant in a corporate office for the women!?

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