Passions Nitpicks and Flubs 45 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Nitpicks & Flubs

Here are the nitpicks and flubs we found this week on Passions:

5/9/05 - 5/13/05


Why does everyone act as if Luis doesn't have a right to grieve the child Sheridan lost?

If Luis wanted to be back with Sheridan, why couldn't he go along with what she was saying about Beth?

Why did Theresa go home when she was supposed to be with Whitney?

Why did Ethan threaten Theresa if he was going to chicken out of doing it?

Who was Ivy to talk about Theresa trying to destroy a marriage as if she didn't do that to Sam and Grace's marriage?


Sheridan's hair was different.

You could clearly see Chad and Fox's stunt doubles when they were fighting.

Since when were Beth and Sheridan the same age?

Why did Evian spend time talking about Chad/Whitney/Fox when they were supposed to forget about their problems?

When Chad got out of the water, his hair didn't look wet.

If the Crane mansion was soundproof, how come Evian heard Edna screaming?


Why would Beth scream "Daddy" to Alistair when they didn't want anyone to know she was there?

if Gwen doesn't want Ethan to find out about the tabloid, why does she keep yelling about it?

How did Whitney know how to breastfeed her baby when she didn't want to know how to do it?

Why did Ethan defend Theresa if he was going to take her daughter away from her?

How come one of the maids didn't let Theresa in the mansion?

Why did Ivy and Rebecca have to yell at Ethan before he got the message that Theresa is a monster?

If Whitney didn't want to see that baby with Chad, why didn't she leave town?


The check that Edna had looked different. It was folded before and then it looked as if it wasn't folded.

What happened to the murder that was supposed to happen last night?

Luis said that Beth and Edna didn't have to be in cahoots with Alistair just because they were at the mansion. Why else would they have been there?

How come Gwen was able to remember what happened the night she stabbed Theresa if she was crazy?

If Edna slept with a lot of men, how does she know that Alistair is Beth's father?

Why did Pilar still look the way she does now when Edna worked for Alistair?


Why was Eve holding Ethan up if she wanted him to go to the hearing?

How did Alistair know that Edna was shopping but he didn't know that he was Beth's father?

Why does Alistair call Edna old when he's probably older than she is?

Who was Jessica to tell Sam that he forgave Ivy for lying when he did the same thing?

What is taking Sam so long to kick Jessica out of the house?

Michele and Cheryl

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