Passions Nitpicks and Flubs 41 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Nitpicks & Flubs

Here are the nitpicks and flubs we found this week on Passions:



Theresa was wearing a jacket last week, but she wasn't wearing it anymore.

On Friday, Sheridan was holding her bear, but she wasn't holding it anymore.

Sheridan still doesn't have a bruise on her face from Beth's punch.

Katherine's hair is shorter and it's the same day.

Why did Edna have to tell Beth that Sheridan would get DNA test done on Marty?

Theresa didn't have a scar on her back from when Gwen stabbed her.

Why didn't Fox take the gun that the guard had. He fought him and didn't take the gun.


Why did Alistair hire guards that don't know how to fight?

How come the guard that Fox outsmarted with the phone didn't know that Alistair was gone from the compound? The other guards knew he left, but he didn't.

Why did Theresa push her luck with Gwen again considering what she did to her before?

Why didn't the guards hear Theresa and Gwen yelling at each other?

Gwen's stunt double was obvious because the wig she was wearing looked nothing like Liza's hair.


Why would the lab tech say that Beth's house smelled? That seemed very unprofessional.

Why would Sam go after Spike and not Randy? Randy was the one who raped Jessica, not Spike.

Why would Katherine think that Gwen was dead when she was breathing?

Guess Gwen can press charges against Theresa since she tried to kill her.

Since Theresa only punched Gwen, how come she had blood on her forehead?


Jane is obviously being played by two different babies. One has a full head of hair, and the other one doesn't have that much hair.

The blood that was on Gwen's head was different.

Gwen and Theresa switched sides while they were talking to Ethan.

Theresa wanted Ethan to choose her because she had his baby, but she didn't want him to marry Gwen for the same reason.

What happened to Jane? Fox had her when Ethan and Theresa were talking, but then she was gone.

How come Jessica didn't need to cover up her tattoo?


How did Jessica know that Whitney had a baby that she didn't want?

Whitney's baby was really sick before, but now he's well enough to be adopted.

Theresa obviously forgot that Ethan is Jane's father so he could sue for custody of the baby.

Since Theresa was trying to steal a married man, she didn't have a right to criticize Katherine.

When did Gwen change her clothes? She didn't have time to do it.

The cut that Gwen had on her head was gone.

Everyone must have forgotten that Ethan and Gwen have custody of little Ethan. Ethan and Gwen could be a family with him.

Jessica slapped Ivy on the left side of her face, but Ivy grabbed the right side.

How come Theresa's head wasn't hurting when Gwen hit her with the vase?

If Katherine didn't want to leave the compound, why did she have to change her clothes?

Michele and Cheryl

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Updated 6/25/07



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