Passions Nitpicks and Flubs 39 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Nitpicks & Flubs

Here are the nitpicks and flubs we found this week on Passions:





Why did Sam wait so long to answer the phone when he heard Grace leaving her message on the answering machine?

How come Alistair never remembered being with Edna?

How come there were no guards where Fox was at the Crane Compound?

When did Whitney put her hair down and get into a hospital gown when it wasn’t like that before?

Edna and Alistair’s stunt doubles were obvious.

Alistair has been to Edna’s house before, so why didn’t she have memories of being with him then?


Whitney’s hair was pulled back again.

Theresa’s hair was curled at the bottom, but it wasn’t before.

Why did Ethan care if Theresa had feelings for Fox?

What is taking Shuis so long to get married?

Theresa was more concerned with getting Ethan than she was with getting Jane back.

Theresa said that she could never leave the man she loved. Well she did worse: she raped him.


Why does Gwen have so many clothes when she didn’t pack any clothes?

Why did Gwen say that Whitney was going to give birth any day now when her baby was born premature?

Why couldn’t Katherine and Gwen tell that Fox wasn’t dead since he had a pulse?

When did Whitney get a robe and slippers?

Why would Sheridan leave Marty outside by himself? She could have taken him back into the cottage to get him a sweater.

Sheridan left the cottage door open, but Shuis didn’t hear Marty crying outside when Alistair took him.

Why did Shuis smell the cigar when Alistair put it out? The cottage door was open so they should have smelled it.

Whitney and Theresa’s tears kept appearing and reappearing. Whitney’s baby looked like a doll instead of a real baby.

Fox was hit with laser beans, but he wasn’t burned.


Sheridan’s hair was different.

Why wouldn’t Luis let Sheridan help find Marty? She would have been an extra person that was looking for him.

Brook flubbed her line. She said you rushed here so past instead of fast.

Where was Paloma staying if Martin was at Pilar’s house?

It’s finally a new day, but Martin and Pilar didn’t know that Theresa was walking.

Michele and Cheryl

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Updated 6/25/07



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