Passions Nitpicks and Flubs 37 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Nitpicks & Flubs

Here are the nitpicks and flubs we found this week on Passions:



When is Julian going to tell Chad what his sisters' names are?

Where was the bowl that Tabitha uses to spy on people? Tabitha didn't have time to get rid of it.

Ethan's bruise kept changing.

What was Ethan the only one that had a bruise from the fight that happened at the club? Fox and Chad didn't have any bruises at all.

When would Beth have had time to get her heater fixed when she was at the hospital?

How come the vases, the glass cups, etc. in Tabitha's kitchen didn't fall when Endora made the house shake?


How come Luis can spend time with Marty now that Sheridan was with him?

The bruise on Ethan's face changed.

Marty was wearing shoes when he wasn't wearing them before. Then the shoes were gone.

Why was it okay for Luis to decide keep Marty without asking Sheridan first, but it was wrong for him to tell her what to do about Katherine?


Why was Paloma wearing pants when she was wearing the green dress? When did she get them?

Katherine wasn't thinking of Paloma before, but she was suddenly thinking about her.

When Pilar and Martin took Paloma home from the hospital, it looked like it was daytime. During their next scene, it looked as if it was dark again.

Randy said that Jessica wouldn't remember what happened to her, but she remembered some of it.

Whitney's stomach was smaller.

Ethan's bruise was getting lighter again.


If Theresa is Fox's friend, why did Whitney have to force him to look for Jane?

Why didn't Alistair see the bug that fox planted in his office?

How is Sheridan spending time with Marty supposed to help her?

Since Theresa isn't able to breastfeed, why can't she get the steroid to reduce the swelling on her spine?

Why did Fox track Alistair's calls at Theresa's house when she could have seen him?

How did Theresa know that Sheridan had a son?

Why didn't Theresa mention to Whitney what Gwen went through when she lost her babies?


Why didn't Ethan defend Gwen when he insulted her?

Why did Ethan refer to Gwen as the woman he loves and not his wife?

Once again Katherine forgot to mention Julian and Paloma when she complained about Alistair.

Why didn't Fox tell Luis that he found a lead about Gwen and Jane?

Michele and Cheryl

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Updated 6/25/07



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