Passions 2004 Nitpicks & Flubs
Week of 6/21/04
Here are the nitpicks and flubs we found this week on
6/21 - 6/25
The bruise on Luis's head from when he hit it in the
Sheridan and Antonio weren't wet when they were in the
car. It was raining outside so they should have been wet. Chad
managed to get wet when he was in the rain, but Sheridan and Antonio
weren't wet at first.
Why was Sheridan's phone still working when Luis tried to
call her? Antonio threw her phone out in the rain so it shouldn't
have worked anymore.
The chime, that Fox heard to let him know that he had
mail, is used when you get an instant message, not when you get email.
When Alistair was rolling his cigar in his hands at the
airport, he looked as if he touched the lit end of the cigar.
Luis's scar changed again. It was darker than it was
Chad closed his flip phone, but Whitney was still on the
phone. Chad should have hung up on Whitney.
Why would Alistair let Luis know that he was the one
responsible for helping Antonio get rid of Sheridan?
Whitney said that she didn't work on her singing since she
left L.A. Did she forget how she sang at the Blue Note for the hospital
Whitney claimed she was surprised that Fox would be in
love with an African American woman. She said the Cranes wouldn't
approve of him being with a black woman. When she pretended to date
him so she could keep an eye on little Ethan, none of the Cranes said
anything about it.
If Eve is so worried about her past coming back to haunt
her, why does she want Julian to find their son? That's only going
to make things worse for her.
When did Fox and Whitney take down the sheet that was
dividing the bed?
Why did the air traffic controllers watch Luis attack
Alistair? They should have stopped the fight.
Whitney couldn't tell that she was the woman that Fox is
in love with. He said that the woman he loves is African American.
Who else would it be? He doesn't hang around any other African
American women.
When Liz faxed the permission slip for Irma to leave the
home, she stuck the paper in the machine and walked away. She didn't
dial the fax number or press send yet the fax was sent.
Why is Theresa showing so much? She's only been
pregnant for a couple of days Harmony time. We know Lindsay's really
pregnant in real life, but Theresa's not that far long.
If Pilar's problem wasn't that serious, why did someone
call Theresa?
Why weren't Miguel and Luis told about Pilar?
Someone thought to call Theresa but not them.
Luis seemed more upset at the idea of losing Sheridan than
he was about losing his brother.
How could Sheridan not have heard the Crane jet explode
when she was outside?
Why did Foxney have to spend time talking about Theresa?
When Katherine mentioned Martin's sons, she forgot to
mention Miguel.
When Ethan thought about what happened with Theresa (when
she raped him) why didn't he think of when he called out Gwen's name?
Why didn't Miguel check on Pilar before he left the
hospital? All he cared about was checking on Charity.
Luis's scar changed shape again.
Why did Pilar think that Fox would forgive Theresa if he
found out what Theresa did to him? Theresa cheated on Fox so why would he
forgive her?
When Pilar found out about Theresa's plan to get little
Ethan back, she was appalled. Now that Pilar wants Theresa to be
with Fox, she tried to justify Theresa tricking Ethan into bed.
Why would Charity listen to what Tabitha was telling her
about bringing pain and suffering to Harmony? She should have walked
away from her.
Why didn't Theresa call Whitney and tell her how she was
going to the Inn?
Why didn't Miguel hear Tabitha yelling at Charity?
He showed up in the backyard just as Tabitha finished talking so he should
have heard her.
Michele and Cheryl
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