Passions Nitpicks & Flubs
7/28/08 –
Monday On
Wednesday, Endora was on the left side of the shield, but she was on the
right side in this one. Last
week, Sam took his camera with him to film Luis and Fancy's wedding, but he
told Ivy that he left it in the rectory. When
Sam showed up to get his camera, Rebecca had finished listening to what Sam
taped. The next time they were shown, the tape started playing again. The
demon elf zapped Endora on her arm, but she didn't have any burn marks. Tuesday When
Rebecca and Ivy fought over the camera on Monday, nothing fell off of
it. When they fought over it in this episode, the batter pack fell off
of it. Where
were Kay and Miguel when Luis and Fancy got married? They weren't in
the church during Luis and Fancy were married. Theresa
didn't recognize Antonio when she saw him at the church. He looks the
same way he did when he "died" so she should have known who he was
without Pilar telling her. Wednesday It
looked like there was an earthquake in Harmony, but nothing was falling off
of the shelves. The
sounds Theresa's shoes made didn't match up with the way Theresa was
walking. Ethan
said that he and Gwen weren't writing their own vows, but they ended up
doing their own vows. The
time on the bomb keeps going down too slow. Minutes were going by, but
only seconds were going by on the bomb.
Michele and Cheryl
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