Passions Nitpicks & Flubs
1/14/08 – 1/18/08
It was snowing outside, but it wasn’t snowing
outside of Tabitha’s window.
If Fancy was so cold, why didn’t she have on a
hat and gloves?
Luis was supposed to be playing hockey with Marty
in the skating rink, but he went back to the cottage by himself.
Who was watching Marty?
When Juanita shot her employee, there were no
bullet holes in him.
Theresa was holding a picture one minute and it was
gone the next.
Why wouldn’t Pretty question why Alistair would
want Luis to be with her and not Fancy?
How was Theresa going to go home since she burned
her passport?
When Viki cut the head off her stuffed animal, you
could clearly see that the head was cut already.
Who gave Theresa a fruit basket in Mexico?
Why didn’t Luis, Fancy, or Marty correct the
reporter when he called Fancy Marty’s mother?
When did Miguel have time to go shopping for food
and to buy Tabitha a cookbook?
When Theresa left her hotel room, she didn’t have
a suitcase with her. She had a
change of clothes when she got to Mexico so where did she put the other
clothes she had with her?
When the food started flying in Tabitha’s
kitchen, you could see how Kay was wearing a wig.
Michele and Cheryl
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