Passions Fan Fic --"Recovering From the Past" Part 4 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Fan Fiction

Recovering from the Past by Jenn

Chapter Four

"Skye Quartermaine? Let me guess..she's related to AJ?"

"Yes Luis. Skye is AJ's half sister. I've gotten word from my men that AJ has been secretly meeting with Skye on numerous occasions. Jason and I believe that they are plotting against my warehouse industries."

"Warehouse industries?"

"Yes, I own a warehouse on the docks that imports coffee mainly from Colombia. If AJ was able to somehow destroy the warehouse I would lose a significant amount of money and AJ would be able to gain custody of Michael by saying that Carly and I are financially unstable. I will not let that happen" Sonny's face was beaming red with anger.

"AJ deserves everything he gets. He slept with my fiancée and destroyed our wedding day." Luis too was fuming.

"I'm glad we see eye to eye about AJ. Luis, I need you to get to know Skye. I mean really get to know her. I want you to know her deepest secrets"

"Well, Where can I meet her?" Luis asked.

"She eats breakfast at Kelly's Diner every morning around 8. Jason will pick you up from your hotel and bring you to the diner. Of course I will be paying you for your services."

"Thank you Mr. Corinthos"

"Please, call me Sonny"

"Well then thank you Sonny" Luis shook Sonny's hand and left the penthouse.

He got home and remembered it was time to call his mother. He picked up the phone and dialed the number.

Hello? "Mama its Luis" Luis hijo! It's so good to hear your voice. How are you? "I'm doing good mama. How is everyone at home?" We're all doing well but missing you "I know. I hope I can come home soon" Have you found work son? "Yes Mama. I found a job as a carpenter" Ah your papa would be proud "Mama I'm sorry I can't talk longer but I start my job early tomorrow and need to get some sleep" Okay hijo. Adios "Adios Mama"

Luis hung up the phone, stripped down to his boxers, and climbed in bed. He hated lying to his mother but this "job" was too important to him and Sonny as well. Tomorrow was the beginning of the end for AJ Quartermaine.

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