Passions Countdown #52 From The TV MegaSite
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Passions Countdowns

Countdowns by Michele and Cheryl

2/23 - 2/27/04

Commentary: 58

Alistair 3 Antonio 1 Chad 1 Ethan 2 Eve 7 Gwen 3 Liz 13 Luis 4
Miguel 1 Pilar 1 Rebecca 7 Sheridan 2 Simone 1 Tabitha 3 TC 1
Theresa 4 Whitney 3 Dr. Ackland 1

Flashbacks/Fantasies: 8

Eve 1 Gwen 2 Liz 1 Sheridan 1 Theresa 2 Whitney 1

Interruptions: 248

Alistair 5 Antonio 7 Chad 4 Ethan 26 Eve 21 Fox 12 Gwen 16
Julian 3 Liz 5 Luis 22 Miguel 7 Pilar 8 Rebecca 20 Sam 1
Sheridan 6 Simone 4 TC 21 Theresa 14 Whitney 41 Dr. Ackland 1
Little Ethan 4

Irony: 51

Antonio 2 Chad 1 Ethan 1 Eve 8 Luis 5 Pilar 2 Simone 1 TC 21
Theresa 6 Whitney 4

Listening, Watching, or Walking in on Something: 82

Alistair 2 Antonio 1 Ethan 10 Eve 3 Fox 6 Gwen 10 Julian 4 Liz 7
Luis 5 Miguel 4 Pilar 3 Rebecca 10 Sheridan 1 Simone 4 Tabitha 3
Theresa 4 Whitney 2 Little Ethan 3

Lying: 14

Eve 3 Liz 2 Rebecca 7 Dr. Ackland 2

Plotting/Scheming: 58

Alistair 4 Gwen 7 Liz 11 Rebecca 36

Recaps: 163

Alistair 1 Antonio 7 Chad 6 Ethan 5 Eve 16 Fox 8 Gwen 6 Julian 2
Liz 11 Luis 19 Miguel 7 Pilar 4 Rebecca 17 Sheridan 6 TC 13
Theresa 26 Whitney 8 Dr. Ackland 1

Repeating Something: 219

Alistair 8 Antonio 17 Beth 3 Chad 24 Charity 4 Ethan 5 Eve 18
Fox 6 Gwen 13 Julian 1 Liz 6 Luis 12 Miguel 5 Pilar 5 Rebecca 36
Sheridan 14 Tabitha 1 TC 22 Theresa 22 Whitney 32  Dr. Ackland 3

Talking About: 529

Alistair 9 Antonio 17 Beth 3 Chad 24 Charity 4 Ethan 38 Little Ethan 44
Eve 14 Fox 3 Gwen 36 Ivy 2 Julian 49 Kay 5 Liz 5 Luis 28 Miguel 11
Pilar 12 Rebecca 44 Sam 3 Sheridan 28 TC 9 Theresa 73 Whitney 50
Dr. Ackland 3 Maria 10 Dr. Culver 6

Talking To: 355

Alistair 5 Antonio 11 Chad 9 Ethan 20 Little Ethan 6 Eve 36 Gwen 15
Julian1 Kay 2 Liz 16 Luis 24 Miguel 9 Pilar 15 Rebecca 40 Sam 2
Sheridan 13 Simone 2 Tabitha 3 TC 22 Theresa 42 Whitney 47
Dr. Ackland 2

Talking To Himself/Herself: 41

Alistair 1 Eve 6 Julian 1 Liz 8 Luis 1 Rebecca 12 Sheridan 2 Tabitha 2
Theresa 7 Whitney 1


That's all for this week.

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