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California Super Soap Weekend Part 1 by Kamarie

** Please Note:  All photos are the property of Karyl Badawi aka Kamarie and are not to be copied without my written permission.**

The night before I planned my strategy. I was going to focus on OLTL. My husband came along with and I have to say he was a real sweetheart. He would get into the next line I wanted to get into to hold my place.

I started my day by going into Nora's line. I was maybe 5th in line and it was still nice and cool outside. So far so good. Hillary was timely, which is always a good thing.

Next on to who I HAD to see! Robin Strasser! From one end of the park to the other is where I found our Dorian. Found the hubby there patiently waiting. Robin looked wonderful.

From Robin I headed toward Catherine Hickland. I was so surprised when I finally got up to see Catherine. This is my 3rd time, maybe 4th time meeting Cat. I just adore Lindsay. She gave me a big hug and then said. "I know you, don't I? You have a different kind of name?"

Oh My God! Was all I could say! I couldn't believe she remembered me. When I repeated "Kamarie", that was what she remembered. I said to Cat, "So how is Loony Lindsay these days." Cat asked. "You tell me?" I said.
"Getting loonier by the day. But I wouldn't have her any other way." Also asked how Michael was. She said fine and thanked me for asking. I ended the conversation by asking Cat to give Michael a message for me. I told her to tell him, I love Tad!

I then made a quick stop to see "Natalie". Very sweet girl. Then Jill Larson, Then on to "Foxy Roxy" and Bree.

Ilene Kristen & Bree Williamson's lines were across from each other, so I was able to go thru both quickly. Went thru Bree's line first, very sweet girl and I told her I thought she was doing an excellent job.






Now on to Foxy Roxy. I had a long conversation with Ilene. I've watched her since her days as "Ditzy Delia" on Ryan's Hope. I told her out of the 2 characters I liked Roxy better. I always liked the chemistry between Ilene & Ron Hale (Mike Corbin/GH), so I asked her if there was any chance Roxy & fellow gambler "Mike Corbin" (GH) might meet up some time in Atlantic City. She said she'd love it and to write TPTB.

I saw her hunk of a boyfriend sitting off to the side and just in conversation asked her. "How much of a chance would I have of getting a photo of you and your fiancée?" Not expecting a chance in H#LL. However, Ilene replied. "Very good chance. She called him up and we took a quick photo.

Sunday, I was able to meet Jennifer Rappaport. Very nice girl. I felt really bad for her, there were very few people in her line.

Late Sunday afternoon, and my last stop of the day was Kathy Brier (Marcie).  What a sweet girl.  I'm truly looking forward to Marcie's storyline.  I hear OLTL is going to deal with her self image and getting sexually involved with Al.  It is truly nice to have an actress on the show that represents more of us woman.






GH & PC Super Soap by Kamarie

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Updated 4/8/07



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