Sarah's One Life to Live Article 5/22/06 From The TV MegaSite
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One Life to Live Articles

Sarah´s Opinions
(I have many)

May 15th-19th

He´s human! Spencer I mean, he actually has a human side. It seemed to me that he and Kevin shared the same looks of complete mortification as they realized Duke was dead. I can honestly say I have never cared for Spencer, but I actually felt sorry for him as he fought to bring Duke back to us.

Kevin and Kelly are both wallowing in an all consuming guilt over Duke's death and doing a wonderful job. Kevin believes he sent Duke to his death while saving Kelly. In my opinion after hearing three different hospital staff members saying Duke was the stronger of the two it makes some since that he would choose the one less likely to live without the surgery.

Kelly has me convinced of her depression and her guilt, she wants to die! it is as if I could feel her slipping away from us and into her own hell .

I love Evangeline, she finds out she could be blind for life one moment and is back to trying to save Todd the next. The scenes with Cristian being there for her were great and I can feel some chemistry between the two, but I honestly do not want that. I watched Todd and Evangeline doing nothing more than talking and trying to find what they missed about Spencer and the chemistry literally had me mesmerized. Now just so you know I have always been a Blair and Todd fan, but I do not feel them anymore. I believe if the powers that be actually allow Todd to live, him and Evangeline could light up the screen.

John, Natalie, David and Margaret, I will make this short and to the point. David this week and every week makes me smile no matter the situation and his scenes with Margaret were what I would expect them to be. I love John but I really wish Natalie would not have followed him, her whining drives me bonkers. I was very happy with the fact that when John had his gun on David he chose to shot Denton as the cop that he is instead of shooting David as the vigilante that he has been acting like would  have.

Tess, she really impressed me with the  wonderful job she did of showing  us that she is starting to care about her family, and that caring is not an easy thing to do.

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.

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