Sarah's One Life to Live Article 10/22/05 From The TV MegaSite
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One Life to Live Articles

by Sarah

It seems to me that Adriana isn't mad at Rex, but at herself for kissing him. She does love Duke. But at the same time, the kiss stirred some feelings in her for Rex, which she is having trouble admitting to herself.  As much as she wants to be with Duke, I think she wants to be with Rex even more.  Why wouldn't she want to? He is hot and does pay attention to her.

Rex has been saying since Jen died that he would never love again, that she was it. But I think he is learning to love again and is just confused about his feelings for Adriana. He does care about her. You can see it in his eyes. Like her, he is having trouble admitting his true feelings.

Duke realizes that he's hurt Adriana, and blames himself for the kiss she shared with Rex, but he doesn't see the struggle in her eyes, that she doesn't love just him, but is falling for Rex as well. And now that he's kissed Ginger, he feels guilty about it. Because now he's hurt her even more and he knows that. He doesn't want to lose her, but he just might if he doesn't get his act together.

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