This is just an unofficial fan page, we have no
connection to "One Life to Live" or ABC.
One Life to Live Articles
by Julie
I would honestly like to know what the
writers believe is going on here. I mean so many things in the
past week have happened that are beyond unbelievable.
Tess/Nash and Jessica/Antonio: I still find this ridiculous not
to mention Jessica/Tess is now pregnant. Who's the daddy? Who's
the mommy? Let me tell you that is pure stupidity. Tess isn't
REAL! So no matter who the mother is in the eyes of the
audience, in reality it is Jessica's baby. Tess is an alter and
unless she gets her own body she ain't havin any kids. So that
leaves who's the daddy? I don't know. Who's the daddy the rich
guy who pretends to be poor and sleeps with Tess or the poor guy
who got rich and is pretending to date a complete skank. I think
that's a lot to hope for.
Layla: I hate her. I tried liking her but she seems to latch on
to anything that movies
Duke/Adriana/Rex- Simple duke is boring. Adriana should go with
Rex. They may have more problems but at least she won't scream
"Duke" while trying to sleep with Rex. I am surprised she didn't
scream "bored" instead of "Rex" when she almost slept with Duke.
Natalie/John/Evangeline- John and Natalie are meant to be.
Evangeline should hook up with Cristian and someone should kill
Carlo Hesser before Cris' brain is further turned to mush.
Lindsay-one word- CRAZY
Viki- I feel bad for Viki. She has one daughter who has gone
kind of crazy and the others dead husband and boyfriend are
hiding secrets.
Dorian-She needs to leave Blair and Kelly alone and worry about
Kelly/Kevin- They should get remarried
Blair/Todd- I love them, but in reality she should toss him out.
He probably killed Margaret.
Michael/Marcie/Hugh- I am beginning to like Marcie/Hugh. I mean
where has Michael been all the time.
Spencer- He needs to leave town. He's more annoying than Dorian
is with her constant whining.
The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of The TV MegaSite or its other volunteers.
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