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Smallville Transcripts


First aired February 18, 2011

Desaad and Chloe

Provided by Suzan D.

Previously on "Smallville"...

Clark: Lois, you've had a lot of questions about The Blur. It's me. I'm The Blur.

Clark: Lois Lane, will you marry me?

Lois: Yes.

Oliver: I am Green Arrow.

Reporter: I think our audience would like some answers.

Oliver: I lost someone. She meant everything to me.

Oliver: I just stopped looking for you. I figured that's what you wanted. You could have called me. You could have said …

Chloe: Yeah, I wanted to, but the fate helmet warned me to stay away.

Oliver: Are you sticking around for a while?

Chloe: Yeah.

Oliver: Good.

Clark: I think there's something more behind the darkness, something that hero-haters like Slade don't even know is affecting them. Just before the facility exploded, I saw something on Slade's skull ... the Omega symbol. It was like it was branded there. I think the Omega is a sign of corruption ... a mark that the darkness has fully taken over someone. This thing is like an evil that's spreading over the earth. It preys upon the dark side that we already have. If we can't stop it, the darkness will infect every person on this planet.

Granny Goodness: Desaad?

Desaad: Our unholy trinity is complete. I bind their bodies. Godfrey breaks their spirit. And you ... you clear their minds, preparing the way for Lord Darkseid.

Lois: Look, Clark, I want to plan this wedding as much as I want to jump off of a building.

Clark: You know I'd catch you.

Lois: You're sweet. Now stop trying to dodge this bullet, speedy-pants. We've got a serious problem here. Tiny Lois has 37 possible guests on her side. Do you know how many tiny Clark has on his?

Clark: Just tiny Martha?

Lois: Tiny Martha is a sign of a much larger problem. Sandwiching your Superfriends into the same place as my dad's battalion is a recipe for disaster. All it takes is one wrong person recognizing the right face, and bam!

Clark: We'll find a way to make it work.

Lois: That's easy for you to say when you're calling from... where the hell are you?

Clark: Just running some errands.

Lois: Please tell me you didn't hop across the pond for a gallon of milk.

Clark: What makes you think I'd be in England?

Lois: Oh, you know, 'cause I'm kind of staring at your face online.

[Clark superspeeds back to the Daily Planet]

Lois: That better be some pretty damn good milk, Smallville.

Clark: "Smallville." I must be in trouble. How bad is it?

[Lois shows video footage of The Blur getting recognized in London]

Lois: I didn't realize you were ready for your close-up. And that is just the beginning. My Turkish is a little rusty, but it seems someone managed to pull off a supersave there, and now Ankara's also wondering who America's Blur hero is. Meanwhile, in Buenos Aires, they are offering a national commendation to "El Salvador de rojo y azul" if he'd just stand still long enough to receive it. And I won't even bother with the Chinese because I would just sound racist.

Clark: Look, I understand I got a little enthusiastic after the V.R.A. shut down, but... Lois... The important thing is I made the save and I didn't get caught. At least not really.

Lois: Well, we were lucky this time.

[shows Clark one of his unprinted articles]

Clark: That was supposed to go out two days ago. Why do you still have this?

Lois: Because I realized we missed something before I sent it up there?

Clark: I spellchecked it twice.

Lois: You really don't see this? Clark. The whole world is starting to wonder who The Blur is, and you are so close to the story that you might wind up finding yourself smack-dab in the middle of it. I think it's high time that we got you a new disguise.

Chloe: You know, I'm supposed to be meeting someone here ... Oliver Queen, of all people. Even with the registration act behind him, the world still knows him as the Green Arrow.

Oliver: Well, he probably can't even leave the house without wearing some kind of ridiculous disguise. Makes it, uh, pretty hard to live a normal life, I'm guessing. You know, I heard he lost his company to, uh...Lionel Luther.

Chloe: Well, you wouldn't want to have dinner with me in his place, would you?

Oliver: Me? No. What would your boyfriend say about that? I mean, I heard he's a pretty tough guy.

Chloe: Well, I can't exactly call him my boyfriend.

Oliver: I think Oliver Queen would be an absolute fool to let someone like you get away.

Chloe: You're damn right.

Waitress: Table for the Joneses?

Oliver: You know the real bitch of this whole thing? Oliver Queen could waltz in here right now, get a table just like that, no problem. But he wouldn't have the luxury of eating in peace. Your brown-haired rendezvous here ... I can't even get on the list. Makes me wish I was someone else entirely.

Chloe: Well, is it always so bad being someone else? I'm quite enjoying myself.

Waitress: Last call for the Joneses!

Chloe: Over here.

Oliver: What are you doing?

Chloe: We're the Joneses, the two of us.

Oliver: We're the Joneses. We're the...Joneses. Yeah.

Waitress: Right this way. Here we are.

Chloe: Thank you.

Waitress: Enjoy.

Oliver: Yeah, look, we shouldn't be doing this.

Chloe: The universe just gave a guy with a secret and a girl with no identity the chance to enjoy an evening out in public. What's the worst that could happen?

Lois: Drink it in, handsome. You know, roll it around in your mouth for a minute and tell me how you feel.

Clark: I feel like I can't believe that you did this to my jacket.

Lois: Keep in mind that it's a prototype, okay? And it's not any worse than machine-gun fire.

Clark: Uh, that's debatable. The hood's not gonna stay up during superspeed... ...and at night, I won't be able to see anything through these glasses.

Lois: Well, just use a bobby pin for the hood when you're superspeeding, and... X-ray vision for the shades. Now stop giving me excuses... and humor me.

Clark: I don't want to wear a mask.

Lois: You are going global now, which is...awesome, frankly, but you have spent more time in the shadows than you ever have in the spotlight. You are sticking your neck out farther than you have before.

Clark: I'm not gonna stop saving people.

Lois: I can't believe you would think I would want that. You know what? I know how important what you do is ... not just to you but to the whole world. Okay ... Do you remember who else didn't want to wear a mask? Oliver.

Clark: Oliver made his own choice.

Lois: And whether you like it or not, you've made one, too. What is gonna happen if people start thinking that shirt-and-tie Clark has what it takes to save the day? Sooner or later, someone is gonna put two and two together.

Clark: Yeah, I appreciate your concern ...

Lois: And I don't understand why you aren't more concerned. Oliver went from having two identities to one... to none. And I will stand by you no matter what, okay? But is that really the life you want for yourself?

Clark: Yeah, I really should get to work.

Lois: Uh, no. You do not get to whoosh your way out of this one. Why don't I just save you the trouble, and I'll just superspeed off all on my own... Okay? Whoosh!

Chloe: That was delicious.

Oliver: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: But Oh, my God. Right?

Oliver: Oh.

Waitress: Phone call from your wife, Mr. Jones. Would you like my advice? You get your cab, and you let him take that limo of his back home... alone.

Oliver: I don't know. Hello, dear.

Mrs. Jones: I know this line isn't secure, but you weren't answering your cell. I found them, but I don't think I have much longer. Oh, God.

Oliver: Who is this? Hello? Is everything all right? Ma’am? Hello? Can you hear me?

Mrs. Jones: What's happening?

Oliver: What do you mean, Ma’am? Hello?

Mrs. Jones: He found me.

Oliver: Hello? Who found you? Who is this? Hello?

Chloe: Oliver.

Oliver: Who is this? Who found you? Hello?

Man: Don't worry, Mr. Jones. You'll be joining her soon enough.

Chloe: Oliver, what is it?

Oliver: Uh, I'm pretty sure Mrs. Jones, uh... just died. I think whoever the real Mr. Jones is, is next on the list.

Oliver: Can you trace it?

Chloe: The number the hostess had on file for the reservations matches the number that Mrs. Jones called from. So if we want to save Mr. Jones, we need to find him, but we don't even know where to start.

Oliver: I think I might. Okay, driver, we don't care about the arrangements that you made. We just ... we need to get back to the Joneses' ... I mean, my place...

Man: Mr. Jones, we've been looking for you.

Officer: Don't worry about it, Mr. Kent.

Clark: Thank you.

Bert: Clark Kent! Bert? Weren't you at that crime scene the other day ... the one with the ...

Clark: Robbery/homicide. Yeah. Yeah, um, listen, Bert? How is that so many bodies go for so long without being found?

Bert: A DWP worker stumbled across them in an abandoned tunnel just beneath here. Looks like they were dumped as recently as a few hours ago.

Clark: Does forensics have any leads?

Bert: We're not gonna know anything more until the coroner takes a closer look. Have you seen that viral clip of The Blur from London? Because it was fuzzy, but it looks so much like you.

Clark: You know, I don't spend much time paying attention to what happens halfway around the world. Thanks, Bert.

Bert: So, what do you think?

Clark: Looks like a serial killer.

Bert: "Looks like a serial killer." That is so you!

Clark: Is it?

Bert: You talk like a cop, you walk like a fireman. Heck, you beat us to most of our own crime scenes. You might as well put an "S" on your chest.

[Bert falls into a hole, Clark catches him just in time]

Bert: You saved my life. Wait. How did you save my life?

Clark: It was a, uh, adrenaline thing. Yeah, I'm a little bit bigger than you, and, um... It probably has to do with center of gravity.

Bert: Don't be modest. You, sir... are a hero.

Clark: I'm sure I won't feel like one in the morning.

[Clark puts a hand on his lower back, pretending it hurts from the save]

Clark: Excuse me. Forensics said it was all right to come by and follow up on the mass-grave story.

Coroner: [offers his hand still in a bloodied glove, Clark hesitates] Sorry. I've just been so wrapped up in all of this, it was only a matter of time before I made a mistake.

Clark: Clark Kent, Daily Planet.

Coroner: Blaine. Yeah, sorry about the mess. I've been working faster than usual. Hell to pay if the boss finds out I've been slacking off.

Clark: I'll try not to take too much of your time. Is there any word on the cause of death?

Blaine: Yeah. She suffered a system-wide hemorrhage, starting with the heart. You know, if they hadn't found the bodies all grouped together like that, I'd say natural causes, but...

Clark: There's nothing natural about it. Someone did this to these people. Makes you wonder what kind of person could do such a thing.

Blaine: My guess is... someone who's given in to his, or her, darkest urges. From the number of bodies, probably someone who really enjoys it, too.

[Clark uses his X-Ray vision and notices dark spots on the victim’s hand]

Blaine: Did I miss something?

Clark: Did the rest of the bodies have this?

Blaine: I'll be damned. Nice eye.

Clark: If so, there might be a connection we can make between ...

Blaine: Nah. I'm the guilty one. Had a pen pop earlier while I was taking notes. Had you going for a second, huh? Sorry.

Clark: Thank you for your time, Blaine.

Blaine: Yeah.

Oliver: You know, when I said I wanted to spoon earlier, this isn't really what I had in mind.

Chloe: We're lying alone together in the dark, okay? I think that counts for something.

Oliver: Yeah, you're probably right. This is definitely the most romantic of my recent kidnappings. Hell of a way to spend an anniversary, right? Oh, gee, you forgot?

Chloe: No! No! No, I did not forget that it's been a year since we started doing... whatever it is that we're doing.

Oliver: Whatever it is that we're ... wow. You weren't joking around at the restaurant, were you? You don't know what to call me.

Chloe: Not in so many words.

Oliver: Okay.

Chloe: Oliver!

Oliver: Come on. We spend every waking moment together, right? We've said our "I love you”-s how many times, huh? Several. What do you call that?

Chloe: Can we talk about this later?

Oliver: Yeah, no, I'd... love to do that, if there is a later.

Chloe: You're so dramatic.

[trunk opens]

Man: On your feet. You got some explaining to do.

Oliver: All right, all right, enough of this. What'd you guys do with Mrs. Jones, huh? Huh?

Man: We were just about to ask you the same thing.

Chloe: What? Am I the only one who's confused here?

Man: We know you aren't the Joneses. Who are you?

Oliver: Yeah, he's ... he's right. We should, uh... introduce ourselves.

[Chloe and Oliver fight them of]

Oliver: I love you.

Chloe: I love you.

Oliver: What the hell is that? Mr. and Mrs. Jones weren't married at all. They, uh, ... they were on a stakeout ...

Chloe: FBI. I know. We just wiped the floor with their backup. They probably couldn't break their cover until they found out how we were connected to the missing agents.

Oliver: From what the late Mrs. Jones said, their cover was blown, which means Mr. Jones is probably in grave danger.

Chloe: I think that's a definite.

Oliver: What makes you say that?

Chloe: Call it a hunch.

Oliver: The Darkness.

Oliver: No one's answering up front.

Chloe: Yeah, and the last thing we want is for a billionaire superhero ex-fugitive to get caught kicking in the front door of a sex club.

Oliver: Yeah, not today, anyway. We sure this is the right place?

Chloe: Yeah, it's owned by a guy named Desaad. The feds have been keeping an eye on it for weeks. Some guy from the bureau came in here for a little bit of relaxation, and at his checkup the next week...

Oliver: There was an Omega on his skull.

Chloe: Yeah. Right. Turns out he wasn't the only one. Every one of those x-rays belongs to someone who was a visitor at this club. You know, the Joneses may have gotten made, but they had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Hey!

Oliver: Right. Which is why it's our job to get Mr. Jones out of it.

Chloe: Well, don't leave Goldilocks out in the cold.

Oliver: If the darkness has anything to do with this, the last thing I want is for you to get caught in the crossfire.

Man: Hands where I can see them!

Chloe: Come on. Again? Mr. Jones. Er, agent...?

Mr. Vactor: Vactor. And whoever you are, you're under arrest for impeding a federal investigation.

Chloe: Listen, you have no idea what you're dealing with here.

Vactor: No, what you don't understand ...

Desaad: He really didn't have a clue. But not you. You know all about me. I think it's only fair if I get to know you a little better.

Lois: I am getting really tired of excuses here.

Jeff: Miss Lane, I'm working as ...

Lois: Risotto cheese bites? Should we just serve up hot charcoal, too? What do you have for me, Jeff?

Jeff: These just came in from Bert in forensics. He says you're lucky to be engaged to such a super guy.

Lois: Does he now?

Jeff: Is there... anything else you need?

Lois: How would you feel about negotiating a deal across town for me?

Jeff: This is a-a bakery.

Lois: Yes, it is. And why don't you get me a good rate on vanilla-bean frosting? Pretty please?

Jeff: Okay. Ohh. Mr. Kent, I'm sorry.

Clark: From the look on your face, I guess you heard what happened at the crime scene, so if there's anything that you have to say...

Lois: Not me. Nope. I am a positive, supportive, independent woman, and I just want to know what happened at the morgue.

Clark: The coroner couldn't make a connection between the bodies. It's a dead end.

Lois: Dead end? Seriously?

Clark: What else do you call it when you have zero leads?

Lois: A lie. Here, take a look at these crime-scene photos.

Clark: There's a stamp on each of the victims' hands. I only saw a few dots. Must have been some sort of relief pattern. It matches the stamp right there.

Lois: That's only a fraction of a centimeter. How would you be able to see that?

Clark: Micro vision.

Lois: "Micro" vision?

Clark: It's my power. I can call it whatever I want. The coroner wasn't examining those bodies, Lois. He was covering his tracks.

Clark: It's another dead end, Lois. No one at the morgue recognized the name "Blaine." And the stamp was made for an anonymous private buyer.

Oliver: Chloe!

Clark: Lois, let me call you back. Oliver, what happened?

Oliver: That's what happened.

Clark: Lois and I are trying to find a serial killer who uses that stamp.

Oliver: Serial killer. Oh, this just keeps getting better and better. There's a photo in there of a guy named Desaad. He owns a nightclub he's using to put Omegas on people's heads.

Clark: He's an Agent of The Darkness... Just like Godfrey. There were no Omega symbols on the bodies in the morgue. He must be killing the people he can't convert.

Oliver: And now he's got Chloe... Which means if we can't find her, she's either damned or dead.

Clark: The business ... it's registered to an address on 4th Street. Maybe that's where they took her.

Oliver: Terrific.

Clark: Wait a second.

Oliver: What are you doing?

Clark: You're upset and in no condition to go up against the darkness.

Oliver: And you're in a better condition?

Clark: Right now, I don't have a choice. Now, stay put.

[Clark whooshes away]

Oliver: [murmurs] Like hell.

Chloe: Clark.

Clark: Chloe. I thought I lost you.

Chloe: I thought I lost me, too.

Clark: I can't go through that again. Chloe... you know when something happens, and suddenly you're afraid that you can never go back? When you get these flashes going through your mind, flashes that you never expected? Flashes of you and I?

Chloe: As in...?

Clark: What if we missed our chance?

Chloe: What are you talking about, Clark?

Clark: One kiss. Come on. We never have to tell anyone. After all those years, don't you want to know?

Chloe: No. No.

Oliver: Chloe.

Chloe: Oliver. Thank God. Did I just see ...

Chloe: Ollie, something's wrong with Clark.

Oliver: Yeah, I know. I know. That's why we have to get out of here. Let me run away with you this time. No more disguises, no more darkness.

Chloe: I would never ask you to do that. Why would you ever think that I would ...

Oliver: It's okay. We don't have to try so hard to be heroes. We're just human. There's plenty enough people here to fight the good fight without us. Come on. Come on, Chloe. We can be together. Just take my hand. Come on. Come on.

Chloe: Who are you? Wait a minute. What is this? This isn't happening.

[Lois appears behind Chloe]

Chloe: You aren't real, either.

Lois: Real enough for you to wonder if you will ever feel the happiness that Clark and I do. You envy what we have.

Chloe: No. I have only ever been happy for Lois and Clark. Wait. Envy. Leaving with Ollie would be sloth. And Clark's kiss is lust. You're trying to tempt me.

Lois: Bravo. But knowing that doesn't change how you feel. You just... have to admit it. You gave up everything that I have, and do you want it back?

Chloe: Never. Get out of my head!

Desaad: It's the heart, actually ... the window to the soul. Both mankind's greatest asset and his weakness.

Chloe: So what? You're just gonna put me through the seven deadly sins house of horror, try and convert me into one of your dark denizens? A little on the nose, don't you think?

Desaad: Oh, you might balk, but it's worked for me for a very long time. Most of you are quite easy to turn, but... others require a little persuasion. The visions tend to cut to the heart of the matter. Sin is a liability I exploit. You are more vulnerable than you think. You know what I am. You know what I'm capable of. Kill me. Your friends will all die if you don't.

Chloe: You're trying to get me on wrath now, huh? Nice try... but I'm stronger than that.

Chloe 2: We are stronger than that, aren't we? We can resist any temptation, but what if we're doing it to save our own souls when we could be saving the world?

Chloe: I will not take a life, period.

Chloe 2: Good girl. Stay strong. Beat him at his own game. Feels good, doesn't it? To be better than all of those that fell before him.

Chloe: Pride.

Chloe 2: That's our hubris, our fatal flaw. Our control issues, our grossly disproportionate sense of independence. Too proud to ask for help. That's why we vanished without a trace.

Chloe: Shut up.

Chloe 2: Too proud to face the fact that the world moved on without us.

Chloe: I said enough!

Chloe 2:All that effort you spent freeing yourself from your old identity, to suddenly give everything over for something lesser ... for a relationship!

Chloe: Go to hell.

Desaad: No. It'll be here soon enough. Sadly... You've grown just as useless as that knife. Tell me, Chloe ... when's the last time you had a nice, hard cry?

[Clark saves Chloe]

Desaad: I was wondering when we'd meet again.

Clark: What exactly are you, Desaad?

Desaad: A prophet. A servant, loyal to a far greater power.

Clark: The Darkness.

Desaad: To Darkseid. When he last laid eyes upon you, you wore your sin openly. You're much more self-assured now. More love in your heart than when you faced Godfrey. Stronger than when you faced Granny, as well. Sadly incorruptible. They, much like I, have been preparing for something ... amazing.

Clark: And that's why the three of you have been burning your Omega symbols in innocent people.

Desaad: You act as though the marks weren't there to begin with... but I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise.

Desaad: Good things come to those who wait.

Oliver: Where the hell is she, huh?!

Desaad: She screamed for you as she died. It took me a while to figure out Chloe's weakness... but not you. No, your sin is ripe for the picking.

Clark: Chloe's alive.

Oliver: He killed her, Clark!

Clark: I saved her. She's safe. Oliver.

Oliver: I'm fine.

Lois: The guy who left his calling card across the globe suddenly doesn't want the credit?

Clark: I asked my name to be taken off. You're right, Lois. I've been drawing too much attention to myself. I've been doing this all wrong.

Lois: Clark, I am sorry. I should have known the pressure you were under and not made things more difficult for you.

Clark: And I should be wearing a mask. Unfortunately, I've lived my entire life up until this point without needing one. That's why I've been so reluctant. I mean, this is the face of the man that my parents raised. It's the face of the man that you love. I don't want to deny who I am when I'm out there doing what I was born to do.

Lois: Then why bother with the jacket, Clark, the symbols?

Clark: When I'm out there in the red and blue and I'm saving people, that's who I really am. And I know this is gonna sound weird, but it's not what I'm called that should define who I am. It's who I am that should define what I'm called. Clark Kent ... it's... it's just a name. It's just a word. I am The Blur, and I always have been.

Lois: That is a pretty amazing breakthrough. And I'm really happy to hear it, but... if you want to keep doing things like ... I don't know ... working here and... marrying moi, I...I don't see how we're gonna make this work.

Clark: By doing exactly what we talked about, and the answer has literally been staring me right in the face.

Lois: Clark, The Blur can't just whip out a new costume at work!

Clark: The Blur is not the disguise, Lois. Clark Kent will be the mask.

Lois: Okay. Okay, but the only way that the glasses are ever going to work ...

Clark: if I adjust my behavior when I use them? I know. The world needs to believe that Clark Kent is way too normal to ever be...

Lois: … super.

Clark: And even though we've silenced Godfrey, we've shut down Granny's orphanage, and buried Desaad underneath Belle Reve, it's not the last time that we've seen Darkseid. But I'll be ready... hiding in plain sight.

Lois: So you're willing to dial back the hometown hero and crank up the average Joe?

Clark: If that's what it takes to be the hero the people need... Yes, Miss Lane, I am.

Lois: Did you know that average fiancés let their ladies take them to cake tastings? You just have to act like you're miserable, though.

Clark: That shouldn't be a problem.

Jeff: You really need to watch where you're going, buddy.

Lois: Jeff!

Jeff: I am so sorry, Mr. Kent.

Clark: You know, Jeff, um, it's my fault. I'll try to be more careful next time.

Jeff: You, uh... you probably should.

Lois: Good job, Mr. Kent.

Oliver: You all right?

Chloe: I escaped the villain of the piece with nary a mark on my bones.

Oliver: I would expect nothing less. You know, the whole "woman who doesn't exist thing" gets a little less mysterious when yearbooks come into play, right?

Chloe: Yeah, they're kind of a bread crumb.

Oliver: Meaning what? You, uh... feeling lost, Chloe?

Chloe: I have been so many things over the years ... doe-eyed sleuth, intrepid reporter, Watchtower ...

Oliver: …business-suited cyber-savior?

Chloe: It worked, right?

Oliver: Yeah.

Chloe: I've always wound up defining myself by some group or cause or other person. Um...I haven't felt like Chloe si ... well, Chloe 1.0, anyway, since... ...Well, her. And then I erased it all. I gave it all away. I think that's why I've been struggling to define myself against you. I'm... I'm afraid I'm gonna lose the last little bit of me that I have left.

Oliver: No matter what happens... I know who you are.

Chloe: I know. And that's why I have never questioned the love I feel for you. So, what do we do now?

Oliver: Hey. Chloe, listen. I know how hard you worked to disappear, but I'm gonna be in the spotlight for the rest of my life. I was kidding myself with this whole "trying to be normal" thing. I thought I was, um... giving up my identity by coming out, but, uh... all I did was change it. 'Cause I am who I am. It's time I stopped hiding from that. I made this bed... now I have to sleep in it.

Chloe: Well, you don't have to do it alone.

Oliver: Really? So I got a question for you. When people see this adorable blonde ... and you are ... on this adorable blonde's arm... What do they call you?

Chloe: Let's start with "girlfriend" and go from there?

Oliver: Okay. "Girlfriend"... sounds kind of High School...

Chloe: Shut up, I'm serious!

Oliver: I know.

Chloe: Let's get out of here.

Oliver: Okay.

Chloe: You coming?

Oliver: Yeah, I'll be right down. I just have to turn off some of this equipment. You know who pays the power bill around here, right?

[the Omega is seen on Oliver’s forehead]

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