Read Suspect's Episode Guide
"Suspect" By Erin
Jonathan Kent commit murder? Please! But with some of
the things that Lionel Luthor says and does, I sometimes think that he
will eventually end up dead anyway! This episode didn’t really impress
me that much. To be perfectly honest, I found it kind of boring!
I WAS surprised when it turned out that the sheriff was the one who shot
Lionel. It must have been so easy to manipulate the evidence to cover his
tracks. But, it also seemed kind of typical to make the story line lead
to the law enforcement official as the person who committed the crime. It
just seemed to mirror an episode of Murder She Wrote a little too much!
Clark was really a Colombo in this episode. I’m sure that I would try and
clear my family member’s name as well if they were accused.
To me, this episode’s plot sort of diminished the
second they had Jonathan Kent committing murder. Isn’t this show
supposed to be somewhat wholesome? I do understand the victim being
Lionel Luthor and everything, considering he is the devil in disguise,
but REALLY! It just seems to me that they could have had the story lean
another way. Like, wouldn’t it have been awesome if maybe Lex was the
one who did it, instead of just being one of the many accused? He had
motive and opportunity! Now that would have been a show I would have
been more interested in!! The headlines for the Torch would read “Sexy
Son attempts to murder Billionaire Lunatic Father!” Chloe would have a
hay day with that one!
Again, I found the story line with Lana’s dad to be a
little boring as well. At first, he says he won’t take Mr. Kent’s case
but then suddenly after a talk with Lana, he just agrees to it...
It just seemed a little predictable. But, I have to admit, it was a
pretty smart thing for Chloe to go digging into his past. It just
appears she was little off track. But, it was a good effort on her
part. I was just surprised that Henry Small wasn’t being manipulated by
Lionel Luthor. I mean, isn’t everyone else!!
Well, I’m
out of opinions! Be sure and check out my next article!! Remember, it’s
only my opinion, I can’t speak for you!