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Smallville Reviews

Photo from Skinwalkers
Read Skinwalkers' Episode Guide here

"Skinwalkers" By Erin

Hello everyone! Smallville salutations to you all! I really enjoyed the episode Skinwalkers. I was a little irritated by the fact that Clark thought that he had found a new soulmate in Kyla. But, I was sure that there was no way it was going to last considering the fact that she was a guest star! I noticed that Kyla seemed to have an elegant beauty about her that I believe is also shared by Lana. It would appear that Clark has a thing for dark headed beauties despite Chloe’s animosity toward his feelings for them. Clark seems to have great intuition when it comes to his feelings for the women in his life. Most teenage guys that I know are more confused about their feelings in their teenage years than they are in their ENTIRE life. I commend Clark for being so in touch with a side that you don’t see in most guys, period. As the famous quote says “All mankind loves a lover.”

I am surprised that Lana didn’t show more jealousy than she really illustrated. Considering she just sent a videotape to Whitney explaining her feelings for Clark, she didn’t seem to display the amount of jealousy or interest than I expected. I guess she was more concerned about Whitney and his lack of response to her letters. I did agree with Lana and Chloe’s conversation about men and their feelings. I agree that men seem to be more open and honest with their feelings when they feel that nothing is at stake as far as the boyfriend/girlfriend relationship goes.
Here’s a message to all the men reading this column: being honest about your feelings, MOST of the time will help you get more out of the relationship than trying to shield, protect, or store all of your feelings away from your partner. But, remember you must never hesitate when a woman asks you “Does this make me look fat.” Deep in their hearts they don’t really want an honest answer, they want your validation that yes they indeed are the finest woman you have ever laid eyes on!!!

My heart broke when Kyla died! It’s not that I’m just a sap and don’t want to see anyone die! Really! Even though I am a huge Clana fan...I still didn’t want to see Kyla die. And even though I didn’t want her to stay forever, I kind of would have liked it if there had been some kind of realization by Clark that indeed Lana is his future, despite the Kyla/Clark connection. Indeed Clark was right when he said that it is much easier to be with someone who reciprocates your feelings. I personally, understand his feelings, as I am sure that many of you do! But as I think upon this situation, it reminds of something that Alfred, Lord Tennyson said. “It is better to have loved and lost, than not to have loved at all.” It is much harder to live with regret than to live with heartache. I said that :) Well, I’ve addressed enough for one day!

Happy Summer Reruns!


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Updated 11/08/03


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