Read Ryan's Episode Guide
"Ryan" By Erin
This episode took a twist that I didn’t expect. I
didn’t really think that Ryan was going to die. I thought Clark would
save him like he does everyone else. But, I guess not everything works
out the way you plan it. Speaking of plans, Lana was very brave to stay
in Smallville by herself with no guardian at the age of 16. But, I
guess if I had lived in the same town my whole life, I wouldn’t want to
leave either.
Lex’s attitude really surprised me. I
guess he sort of identified with the Clark and Ryan’s situation, because
of the death of his mother. His advice to Clark seemed very heartfelt, as
if he really did understand. I loved that they showed Lex’s softer side
in this episode. It proves that Lex has a side that his father doesn’t
really display. The apple may not fall far from the tree in some things,
but Lex really proved himself this time. There was a sense of regret in
this episode on Lex’s part. Smallville has never really gotten into Mrs.
Luthor’s death but some issues were brought up that had not been
addressed before.
Lana really seemed to grow a backbone in
this episode that I have not seen very often, at least not so early on in
the seasons. She really stood up and decided what she wanted for her
life. Girl Power! It probably would have been more difficult for her to
leave the place that she has known as her home for her entire life, than
to live without Nell. I’m not sure I had the maturity that she does at
16. But doesn’t it seem that Lana’s life gets more complicated as each
season goes on. Like her parents die, then Whitney leaves, then Nell
leaves. I mean, who else is going to leave this girl in her lifetime!!
Poor thing! She really doesn’t seem to get a break!
view of death was really inspiring to me. He knew he was dying the whole
time and the way he handled it brought tears to my eyes. He wanted to
make sure that everyone that he cared about knew that it was his time to
go when he died. It seemed as though he wanted to comfort them from the
grave. His last scene with Clark in the hot air balloon was breathtaking.
They seemed to have the type of bond that a younger/ older brother would
have. But what was really intriguing to me, is Ryan seemed to take the
role of the older brother in the relationship. At the end of the episode
when Clark was gathering Ryan’s things, Clark had a look in his eyes that
showed slight grief but mostly understanding of what Lex had said to him
about spending time with Ryan.
I really did try to find
the comedy in this episode but the comedy part of my brain seemed to be
out of juice today. Plus the subject of death is nothing to joke about.
Unless it’s about the hideous makeup they put on the corpses! When
planning my burial, I’m going to see if Bobbi Brown can do my makeup!
Well, my TV tubers, thanks for tuning in!