Read Red's Episode Guide
"Red" By Erin
Is Red Clark, red hot or what? Our gorgeous farm
boy was definitely smokin' in this episode! As much as I love regular
Clark, red Clark is absolutely delicious! To me, that ring on his
finger just made him even more edible! That kiss . . . I think Lana
needed oxygen after that one.
Apparently Red Clark has no limits! Just when you
think that it's gonna go one way, he stuns you by doing what you least
expect! Lana's reaction to Clark's new 'tude was priceless! I guess all
women secretly like to have a little bad boy in their man!
I would have thought that the public would have made
a bigger deal after Clark’s display of talent. Do these people just not
care that there is a guy how can set things on fire and has super
Another thing, you would have thought that they
would have sent the new girl home to change her clothes at least! I mean,
she looked like a hooker! I guess that Jessie's post was locker 33B!
Thank goodness, the other girls of Smallville, i.e.: Chloe and Lana have
some class! But, of course, as always, the guy ends up with the girl with
the trashiest outerwear!
It seems that Clark always seems to get himself out
of trouble very easily. First, the people at the bar see Clark's powers,
then the man looking for the disk, gets an eyeful! Does that boy have a
death wish or something? I guess it was out of his control. Maybe he
should be a tad more careful! Next time Clark buys jewelry he needs to
make sure it is not some knock off. I mean I know that they town of
Smallville is not rich, but they could have done better than a gum ball
machine look alike! But remember, it's only my opinion. I can't speak for