Read Lineage's Episode Guide
"Lineage" By Erin
Lineage certainly was the correct title for this
episode. But, I don’t know... Maybe “Family Dysfunction” might have
been more appropriate. It gave me the heebie-jeebies when I thought
that Lionel might have been Clark’s father. But, I also knew that there
was no way that he could look as gorgeous as he does and have that
woman and Lionel as his parents. Of course, I know he’s an actor and
everything, but I think that each actor should have some resemblance to
the characters that are playing his family. I mean, look at Lana and
Nell... There is a slight resemblance there.
I liked
that some humor was interjected into this dramatic episode. Comedic
relief is always a good thing. Unless of course, it is someone who is
trying to be funny that just quite doesn’t pull it off...such as me! Now,
onto bigger, but not necessarily better things... Clark and Chloe’s fight
in this episode was a tearjerker. Chloe’s expressions when Clark
mentioned her mother were SO sad. I can understand why he was angry
though. As much as I identify with Chloe’s character, it did seem a
little intrusive of her to be digging in Clark’s adoption. Especially
since he specifically asked her not to. In Clark’s case, privacy is of
utmost importance.
I was astonished to find that Lana
might be a Small. Considering that the Smalls are most likely rolling in
it, if I were her, I would have been ecstatic to not only have a family
member that was living, but also rich as all get out! I wonder if she
will eventually end up with a massive inheritance! Not that the Talon
isn’t great, but I’m sure she could afford a little extra spending money.
Those designer clothes are just waiting to be bought and Henry Small most
likely has a hole burning in his pocket!
It will be SO
exciting to meet Lucas! If he is half as hot as his half brother, we are
in for a treat. With Lex’s money and curiosity, I’m sure he won’t leave
that stone unturned for very long! Only time will tell..
Shocking News Bulletin... I’m having trouble coming up with words to
write.. How SHOCKING! If you have read my column before, you have
probably figured out that I have gigantic opinions, but today I’m just
off. So, I’m gonna end early…